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Taehyung extended his hands and I could see worries in his eyes.

" Are you ok?"

"Hey, Taehyung be careful"  Yoongi who was behind me voiced.

"I am really sorry, I was in a hurry, Jungkook fainted" He did not finish his words and I am already running to the practice room. He was okay a few hours ago. What the hell.

I walked in to find his manager fanning him. I crushed next to him. Drunched in sweat, eyes half closed.

I never saw him like that and it worried me so much.

I never saw him like that and it worried me so much

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His mom walked inside our room without knocking as always. "When will she learn to knock?" I mumbled more to myself than to her.  

She asked for some time alone with her kid and I just obliged of course. ' I can not even feel an inch of worry in her actions'

"What are you doing?" Hoseok who just joined me in the Kitchen asked.

"Trying to control my psycho conscious"

"Looks like no one really can tolerate this woman" hobi replied handing me half of his ice-cream

"You always know how to cheer me up"

"I am the sunshine of this house" he yelled and we started laughing. Our conversations went on, as Jimin and Taehyung joined us. 


"Whore, Congratulations." She called closing Jungkook's room and eyeing us.

"What?" I was preplexed by her statement.

"Congratulations on your pregnancy, look like you are duff too" I was just chocked, not about being insulted, I don't expect less from her, but I am chocked how did she know, the only one I told is yoongi and beside, I did not even visit a doctor.

She looked at me one last time and throw an object in my direction. It was my pregnancy test. I remember that I hid it well or at least I put it in my stuff and knowing Jungkook it can never be him who looked in this place. 

"Enough is enough" I yelled and everyone just stopped whatever they were doing, Silence filled the place, Calm before the storm.

"Who are you yelling at ?" 

"You, who do you think you are going through my personal stuff? who gave you this right,"

"I am your mother in Law, watch your words, girl" she took a step towards me and her heels are just sending shiver but no one had the right to annonce my pregnancy this way not even her.

"or what ?" I smirked

"Are you defying me? you irrespectful wench"

"I wonder who is more respectful in this place" my statement made her burn in anger and honestly, I could see the flames coming out from her eyes, her hand started moving in a slow motion and I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes, to see Jin holding her arms, honestly, I never saw him angry but angry can not even describe the look in his face "No one, and I mean no one dares to hit one of the people living here, not even you, If you excuse us out NOW." Jin ordered and she obliged. 

Honestly, I could not understand how did he make her leave with just that, but she made sure to glare at me before quitting the scene. and I know she will turn my life to hell.

"Rina, it's ok now, she is gone, you are safe, we are here" Jin who was hugging me and patting my back while I cried my eyes out. Blame it in the hormones, Blame it in the fear. 

"Than--k y--ou, I did not want you to know it this way so I am sorry"

"Don't be, Go check on Kookie, while I prepare the dinner with Yoongi and then we will celebrate"


"Jungkook" I called but no answer come out. I thought he was sleeping so I filled the silence with whatever I had i mind "Babe, I am sorry, I wanted to tell you in a different way, I wanted to surprise you but ... you know, your mom she just loves me too much" I giggled "I thought it's easier to talk to a sleeping person, according to the drama I watched of course but I found myself exepcting a reaction, We have a baby, I am scared and I have no idea what will happen later but... " 

Author POV

It was too much saddness in her voice and Junkook couldn't resist the urge to just turn and pull her to him , locking their lips together.

It started soft but deep, she can feel him absorbing her soul and her sad feelings. Jungkook pulled away ooking deep in her eyes, forhead close, breath mixed " Babe, thank you, it's the best gift ever and I am sorry."

To say the least, she was more than shocked, Jungkook in other hands was confused between happiness, their child, the fruit of their love, something  he want to cherish but is he enough for her? will he be able to protect them? 

Meanwhile Rina was still lost in her thoughts, worried about their future? she needs to talk with Jungkook but right now is the very wrong moment.

"Go back to sleep, I will wake you up for dinner" she kissed his forhead before tugging him in bed and closing the door behind her.


If life was easy, no one will consider death as an option. Actually, even if it's hard, we should never give up on trying. We got only one life we need to use it as much as we can.

I know I should update more but I have this thing were you can't put words to your idea and everything feels lame.

I hope you appreciate this chapter. But during the last week I was able to make a few more chapter should I live a preview?


A marriage for Sex {JeonJungkook FF}Where stories live. Discover now