A new sensation

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A few weeks after the awards

Going out with Daniel is out of question but I've got enough of the maknae spending hours in front of his computer playing.

I am a human being for god sakes so give me some times so i can go on.

I took a deep breath asking him "Kookie lets go out with Daniel and his friends, please" I asked for the 10th time today.

"I dont want to"

"But I want to go out,please.. beside he is going for some program and i will not see him for months" I argumented.

"You survived not seeing him for years. " he sarcastically replied.

"Jungkook that was when he was miles away"

"Then pretend he is miles away "

"Yah, do whatever you want, I am going with or without you" I yelled.

"You are not. "

"Trust me, I am and hold me if  you can. "

"Try me babe" (His threats are far from being something that can scare me from seing my bestfriend, especially the montony I am living in ) .

I walked to the bathroom, a good shower,hair done, makeup perfect and ready to go.

As if i was doing all that to bother him. I put my shortest skirt and the tank top he hate the most, I didn't bother walking into the room since he moved from his computer to the living room.

My bag was ready with my phone and  some cash. I was humming some song when a voice startled me.

"Hey woman where are you going almost naked ?"

"Oh jinnie, I am meeting a friend "

"Who is this friend that you made yourself look so sexy for?"

"Oppa stop it, I am just meeting Daniel."

Taehyung who just walked in from the front door stared at me before opening his big miuth and drawing more suspicions towards me. "Who is meeting who? "

"I am meeting Kang Daniel, got something to say ? "

"Take care, bye "
He walked past me looking at his phone while a put my shoes with Jin eyeing .

"If you have a comment to say, Go on oppa, I am listening"

"Your husband is ok with you going out alone"

" He d rather play then accompagny me. So I think, yes?" It come out as a question more than an answer.

"And your skirt don't you feel it's too short?"

"Jinniie, you are worst than a brother nagging me "

"Ok ok, just come back early and be safe and .." I stopped him with a kiss on his cheek and I ran out.

Daniel was already waiting for me in front of the door with some friends.

Upon seeing me, he got off and pulled me tightly on his arms. Some eyes were watching us curiously so i pulled off and I bowed slightly to greet them and they seem  nice.

"How come your husband isn't here?" Daniel asked.

"He is working actually" I lied.

"Ah I see but it's great to meet you here, you know ? We have a lot to catch on but first, Tell me what do you want to eat? "

"Anything you like guys" I replied getting on the car.

The drive to the restaurant was noisy, his friends were so  gentle that I found myself trusting them more and more with each passing second.

A marriage for Sex {JeonJungkook FF}Where stories live. Discover now