Are you? Am I?

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Time passes slow when you have nothing to do, Times feels stuck when you are over-thinking, it's been 10 or 20 minutes since I walked in Genuis lab stealing Yoongi's couch just to chill. Honesty, I came here because I needed to think, I had so much going on lately and with the work and busy schedule, I didn't find any time for myself. 

Finally today, I had no more work to do, no husband to have sex with and no bts to play with. I choose this place because I know that I can get some space here. And he knew that that's why he didn't change his password when I informed him that I discovred it

When I walked in, Yoongi was already focused in his work, I know he felt my presence and I made sure to text him before invading his privacy and getting no answer meant a' yes. ' 

He did not bother to turn and talk and neither did I . 

Laying in the couch, covered with the blanket that he always keep here for the overnight. ear-phones plugged in my ears. I just closed my eyes. Thoughts, about myself, this wedding, my life, my future, everything is making my mind a war.

I did not see nor talk to my parents for more than 3 months maybe. I did everything to get their phone number but I am always redirected to voice mail. I miss them. 

Jungkook's mom did not appear , she did not bother us but I always have that strange feeling that my every movement is being watched and controlled.

My life with the guys is amazing, they are my friends, or even more, they are my second family, I understood why Jungkook is willing to do everything to be with them. 

My husband, he is just perfect, it doesn't mean we don't fight, Oh girl, we do, for everything and nothing, even more than Jimin and V but we always find to communicate because unconsiously we rotate towards each other. 

yet, lately, I discovered something and it's bothering me so much, I can't find a way to tell him. while I was lost in my thought, I felt someone gently stroking my hair, I opened my eyes to find Yoongi with his chair close to me, a hand on my hair and the other on his phone. I took off my earphones and I turned to my side to look at him.

"Oh, Rina sorry, I didn't want to bother you but you were crying" his sentence made me self conscious and I touched my face , I could feel my wet cheek.

"Oops, I did not know"

"Is anything bothering you ?" He asked putting his phone away and giving all his attention.

"Honestly, yes and no" He nodded waiting for me to elaborate "Yoongi oppa, can I ask you something?"

"Anything for you little Girl"

"What do you think will happen if I am pregnant?" my question did not provoke any reaction in him and it was quite surprising.

"Nothing will happen, we will just have an additionnal small crying noisy baby at home."

"I am not joking, you know with Jungkook it means the end of our contract and I might have to leave and his mom-m .." My voice cracked at the last words.

"Rina, Listen, it's true that your relation with Jungkook started with a contract or whatever, but now, it's different, both of you loves each other, Having a baby will only make your love stronger, as for us, we are your friends, we don't have any contract and you are family for us, so whatever this witch do, you will always be our friend and our little brother"

"I am a girl" oh rina that's everything you focus on... 

"A girl? I don't see any girl here, or at least no one treats you as a Girl which is good honestly"

"Why ?" 

"You don't have to know, anyway, did you tell Jungkook?"

"tell him what?"

"That you are pregnant" He stated a fact and I jumped from my laying position to sitted one

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

"That you are pregnant" He stated a fact and I jumped from my laying position to sitted one.

"Am I? "

"Are you asking me? or are you pretending not to know?"

"How did you-I mean, How came you know? I didn't told anyone that I had the test and it was only yesterday, wait! Oh I didn't leave it in the Bathroom neither" I was asking many questions.

"Relax, it was meant to happen with all the unprotected sex you have"

"WE USE PROTECTION ...sometimes" I defended.

"Exactly, Sometimes! Lately, you seem always irritated in the morning and I heard you vomitting twice juste last week also,when you were playing with Holly, he was over-protective of you and he did not stop smelling your belly, which was quite strange. I made some reaserch and it was obviously the only conclusion "

"Wow" I just looked at him, Yoongi never fails to surprise me and he is true to his title' the most observent person in this group'.

"Rina, Just tell him, he will be happy and don't worry too much, we are here to have your back whatever happen, deal?"

"Deal" I stood up and walked to the door but I didn't leave before I gave him a big hug whispering "by the way, the baby is 3 weeks old".

Upon openning the door, I bump into someone "Awch" I cried falling on my butt. and he extended his hand for me.

I looked up to find no other than ...


I will tell you in the next chapter. :) until then stay safe ad take care of yourself guys ! Love you all 

It's a short chapter I am sorry for that, I will make sure to write more.

By the way if you think it's the end, let me just inform you that the real story Just began <3  XOXO

A marriage for Sex {JeonJungkook FF}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt