Chapter 11

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Mary-Margaret POV

She looks really young to be expecting, but who am I to judge, my daughter was 18. There was something weird going on between the two of them. Especially what she said to Henry, something about being her sister. I think that just went over everyone else's shoulders. Also, Emma's arm was around her. I think they forgot I was there for a moment as this girl Mal started saying "I can't do this  I'm  14, no job, no money, how am I going to support twins" she was crying so much I just wanted to give her a hug myself. But I knew that would be a bit weird.

Emma took a different approach to what she said, Emma laid Mal's head on her shoulder and started singing 

"Hush Now,
Don't be scared,
Through this tide of darkness.

Shadows may march,
Thunders may roar,
But peace will soon prevail.

Through our land,
This sacred land,
Nightmares sprite confusion,
But stand your ground,
Until you've found,
The strength to light your way"

This seemed to really calm Mal down. They had a really good connection, even better than me and Emma. I looked at them closely and noticed similarities. Apart from their hair, they look identical. Was I really thinking about this? Maybe Henry wasn't the not the only one. I had to ask, I know it was personal but suddenly  I burst out with " Emma, is this your daughter?" They looked at me Emma just stroked her hair, and finally, she said, "I have some explaining to do then don't I?" I nodded.

At that moment Mal stood up and said, "I'm not saying anything about my past" I just replied with "Ok that's fine" I understood since she was pregnant, obviously not everything was planned to happen that happened in her life. Anyway, I want to know why Emma couldn't feel she could tell me, and what happened.

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