Chapter 7

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Emma POV.

I didn't know what to think she just told me that I wouldn't have known what her mother would have done to her. I was confused and didn't know what to think. All I could think was the worst. When her smile faded I knew it wasn't good. I bravely asked her " Did your mother....... hurt you?" she didn't say anything but looks say it all. Then I said "What did she do" suddenly she wiped her tears away and perked up. She got up and said "well thank you for talking to me but you probably need to go to your family and I need to find a place to stay so......." she was completely avoiding my question. I will talk to her about this, but another time. 

We were just standing in front of each other out of nowhere I said " do you want me to stay with you tonight, then in the morning we can talk and I can answer any questions you have and maybe, only if you're up to it, you can answer mine? She answered in a warm tone with " I would like that very much, thank you, but we still need to find somewhere to stay" I gave a slight chuckle and said " well I know a luxury resort right inside Grannys" I laughed and so did she.

We went inside Granny's and we asked for a room, and it was on the house for as long as we need. We thanked Granny and Ruby and went to a room. She sat down and practically went to sleep straight away. I tucked her in, and I fell asleep In the chair next to her. When we woke up in the morning I realized I didn't have any clothes. Out of nowhere, Mal said "what do you want I can get it for you" I looked at her confused for a minute then she said " Magic...... doesn't matter I will just get anything"  suddenly my red leather jacket and some black jeans with a black top turns up I was impressed. She was wearing all purple leather. It was nice.

We went downstairs to get some breakfast. Once we had finished I said, " So.... do you have any questions?" She rolled her eyes and said " Yes who are those people outside and why do they keep following us?" I turned around to see Henry, Mary-Margaret and the old hag looking through the window. I'm catching on to saying old hag instead of Regina, anyway. Luckily they couldn't come in due to the opening hours being 10 am, and it's only 9. I walked up to the door and opened to it and shouted " CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE FOR A DAY!"

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