Hennessy Hayes

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The sound of tattoo guns and the overpowering smell of sterilizer had become a new love of mine. During the day, I'm either at the back of the shop learning how to use the heat pads for tattoos on the glass plates on the walls and the tattoo guns for custom designs that we had drawn specifically for someone.

When Bud goes on lunch, I take his piercing appointments and drop-ins – even though tattooing as improved over the years, piercing techniques have stayed the same because it works.

Sitting on the black plush stool behind the front desk; the latest in custom designs dancing up the clear white Paige. In my peripheral view, who heavy-looking boots stood, feet spread wide to hold a particular posture.

"Four!" I smiled," What do we owe the pleasure of your company?"
He almost smiled at me," I'm here to see Tori, she's halfway through finishing something for me."
I nodded," See you on the other side."

Bud brought back some cake from his lunch break, letting me eat it as a continued to draw up ideas on to the glass panels or booked people in.

"Eric!" Bud yelled from behind the mesh panelling," Max! What do we owe the pleasure!"
Max gave a deep laughed," Just checking in on the new members today, making the rounds, checking everything is ok."
Bud nodded," Aye, natural talent this one."
Slapping my back, I almost choked on the cake I was eating.
Max nodded," Another reason is we are still investigating the attack on your friend Angel, do you know where she is today?"
I nodded," Follow the screams, they are making wildfire cocktails in the lounge."
Eric looked around at the new designs on the wall," We think we found a lead, do you think she will be willing to talk?"
I nodded, "Should be, though honestly now's not the best time she's planning a cocktail party so she can practice the drinks she's learned."
"Naturally." Eric hummed, "Thank you for your time, Miss Hayes."

The two leaders walked out, taking their attitude and overpowering cologne with them; however, it still lingered in the air longer than appreciated. No amount of Febreze or Dettol could mask it.

With training over, life just slowed down – there was no fighting, no gunfights on the roof, just the odd bar brawl that with hand to hand combat training were a little more exciting than the ones in Candor.

"Hennessey, training time, get your ass in here," Tori yelled from the back.
My hand ran over the pillar as I made my way into the back, Four was still on the chair, lying on his back – thick black lines running over his shoulders, lower back and around to his rib cage. Down his spin was five blue transfer lines – Dauntless being at the top followed by Abnegation, Candor, Erudite and Amity. Each circle got smaller as it went down.
"Hennessy I'll still be here but just do what you've practised." Tori explained, sitting on the counter," He stays still so don't worry about him jolting."

I nodded, putting on a pair of black gloves, taking the tattoo gun in my hand; my heeled boot on the pedal.
"Is the needle necessary?" Four asked he chin rested on his forearms.
I shrugged," Sometimes, the old ways are the best ways."
Four turned his head to look at me in the eyes," That will bite you on the ass one day."
"You'd like that wouldn't you," I smirked, pressing my foot down.

Humming to the shop's music – I followed the outline with steady hands, each symbol took half an hour to complete the black ink either made up the background or the details.
The process of it all was relaxing to me, colouring a little part then whipping the ink away leaving the bright ink behind.

"Why all of them?" I asked as I coloured in the space better two likes around the Erudite eye.
Four laughed as the needle wasn't in his back," Maybe I'll tell you."
"Well, I did ask, so it would be nice."
He nodded, "I'll tell you about mine if you tell me about yours."
"ok," I nodded slowly," The vine on my ear is to show that I can keep climbing, weaving my way through even in those bizarre places, the flowers separated by the line then is to say even when broken, something beautiful can still happen. The larger flowers on my upper arm at match my wrist are peonies, mum liked them and had them on the kitchen table every evening, the is a small mandala that works underneath to remind me to stay calm - thee fern is for the meows Peter and I used to play in. Last the scales of Justice, to remind me that harsh punishments like the ones we are trained to give aren't always the way we have to go."
"That was... surprisingly deep."
Tori hummed in the background," Yeah, and I've heard some meaning behind them but those – wow."
"Flowers can represent a lot, so in one sleeve it shows my life," I shrugged as if it was nothing," Pay up the sunshine."
Four hummed," I don't know yet - when we get here we tattoo our old symbols on to remind us of where we are from so why not be reminded of all the things we could be?"
"Never took you as an optimist," I confessed, outlining the Amity tree.
He looked at me from the corner of his eye," Never took you as someone who thinks deeply."
"Oh really?"
"Just thought you said the first thing that comes to mind."
I laughed," I do that too, but finding stories in art is what makes art."

Her Candor [1]  //Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now