Come home

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-What are you doing here, asked Jim softly.

-I didn't know what to do, but I knew I would find you here, answered the eldest in a very calm voice.

The Irishman had his usual neutral expression but he was very happy to see him so he immediately invited him to come into his house. Freddie took a quick glance right to left and it didn't have to be say it was very different from Garden Lodge.

-So this is where you lived all this's dismal, he said sighing.

-I know but when you're alone it's enough.

The singer nodded nervously, now that he saw his man's accommodation he understood why he had a very strong temperament. If he had been in this place he would surely have suffered from depression.

-I guess you know why I came?

-I think so, resumed Jim. I was planning to come see you too.

It had cheered Freddie up a bit and he finally turned his face to his man, given the way the story unfolded it was up to him to start. were right, he began quietly. I was arrogant, despicable...I closed my eyes to the fact you were extremely sensitive and I didn't realize how much I had hurt you, he took a breath and bitting his lips. I sincerely regret doing this to you and I really blame myself for throwing you out of our house.

Jim was truly touched by these words and felt a flood of emotions overwhelmed him, as far back as he can remember, it was the first time his boyfriend had apologized like that. With a beating heart he answered in his turn:

-It's especially me who must apologize...I was so blinded by anger and jealousy; I was ready to hurt you emotionaly to make you react, he lowered his head and continued without looking at Freddie. You had every right to kick me out of the house.

A moment of silence passed where each one silently thought of their next sentence, the singer was about to add something when the Irishman announced:

-It's Deaky who made me realized my mistake.

-Did you tell him about our argument, asked his boyfriend in a low voice.

-Yeah because I needed to talk to someone, Jim knew he shouldn't repeat what he had learned but he didn't want to keep it from Freddie. He...he also told me about you two.

-You mean...our secret, the eldest's voice was extremely vulnerable.

-Indeed but don't worry, I won't make a big deal out of it. John is also my friend and none of this will ever come out my mouth, the Irishman assured him.

The rockstar felt relieve by his responce, he thanked Jim in thought for not knocking him out with countless questions which he would have too much trouble to answering.

-In any case Jim, this argument made me realize how much I needed you, resumed Freddie sensitively. When you left a part of me is gone too and then everyone misses you: Phoebe, Clint, Joe, cats...the house needs you and you certainly need us.

The Irishman fiercely held back his tears, it is true that he missed all his friend. His life was with them and not in bars and even though he had reunited with old friends, it had ended badly and he didn't want to go through it again.

-Well...I think if we want to stay together we're going to have to work on our defects. I don't want us to argue like that anymore, added the youngest in a voice both sincere and saddened.

Freddie shrugged and chuckled lightly.

-If we never quarreled, we'll be a perfect couple, don't you think?

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