The troublemaker.

354 22 65

Saturday 10 August.

Freddie was the first to wake up this morning, his lovely night with Jim had given him ideas for today one of which was close to his heart. He slowly strecthed his limbs and turned to his man who was still asleep, it was always a beautiful image to watch because it was the face of an angel he had in front of him. Smiling, the singer brought his left hand up to his cheek to gently stroked it; Jim shook his head and opened his eyes.

-Good morning darling, cooed Freddie.

-Good morning baby, answered his man softly.

-Did you sleep well?

-I slept like a log I must say.

Jim rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes, he still saw the stars, a night of sex with Freddie was always a beautiful experience and he still felt the sensations all over his body.

-I had prepared for your initiative last night but each time it exceed my expectations, murmured the Irishman, looking at the ceilling.

The rockstar greeted these words as a big compliment and went to lie on his man's belly.

-I am the god of sex my dear, I know everyone's satisfaction, he said with his usual pride.

-How pretentious, chuckled Jim tracing the perfect outline of his jaw. We better go take a shower before the others arrive.

-Are you afraid they'll find us on top of each other?

-I'm not very demonstrative, my name is not Freddie Mercury, he added with a slight wink.

Freddie grinned and still took the time to rub his forehead against his man's, tender moments of complicity that belonged only to them, what else was needed in this world?

-We should go now baby, finally resumed Jim.

-Alright, let's go.

He took the Irishman's hand to lead him to the bathroom where he turned on the water and entered first.

-Come join me darling, asked Freddie with a gentle smile.

Jim followed closely and closed the curtain; his boyfriend already had the soap in his hands and was quivering with impatience. A new symphony of bodies was about to take place.

-Will you let me do it?

A tender smile on his lips, Jim let Freddie wash his whole body in every detail. There was no longer any feeling of discomfort in his body, there was just a satisfied and relaxed face and he took adventage of the fact that the singer was kneeling in front of him to shampoo his hair. The rockstar placed a light kiss on his man's thighs before soaping them properly then got up to hand the soap to him.

-Insist on my belly, Freddie advised him. I let myself go a bit to much last night.

-More excited then you during an orgasm that doesn't exist, added Jim.

-It's because you make love like a god dear!

Jim laughed then washed Freddie's whole body, this fine body with which he had fallen so much in love. The singer closed his eyes with happiness and tilted his head back to let the water wash off the shampoo, he felt his man's hands take care of washing the soap then a little lick on his wet torso set all his nerves on edge.

-Oh god...dear...

-Look at me my love, whispered the younger man.

Freddie opened his big brown eyes and Jim sealed their lips, it didn't take long for this one to ventured into his neck and suck it delicately. Tender electric currents and a feeling of weightlessness seized the singer making him moan sensually as he kneaded Jim's perfect buttocks, then after a few minutes, he took him by the shoulders.

Book 2. New Life Old Pains.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora