The chains are broken

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Disclaimer: violence and harsh language.

The next morning.

Alexis woke up before dawn and let Paul sleep, without a sound he opened the wardrobe and dressed in light clothes. He had made up his mind and was determined to get his boyfriend out of his obsession, he was far from ignoring it was an irreparable mistake but it was the only thing he could do. All he needed was in a little drawer which he opened carefully.

-I'm sorry babe...I hope you will understand, he mumbled to Paul before leaving the house.

Garden Lodge, 9h10.

-Oh Clint? Are you going somewhere today, wondered Freddie.

-Joe asked me to come with you, said the young man glady. He said it will allow me to discover the world of shopping.

-I hope your legs are muscular, quipped his eldest. A rockstar's shopping can last all day.

-You're serious, asked Clint opening his eyes wide.

-Fucking serious! Nobody can beat me!

They chatted while waiting for Jim when someone approached them. He stopped just a good distance away so they could hear him.

-Well well Clint...what a surprise! We meet again.

The other two turned their heads and Freddie's face immediately darkened.

-You again, he hissed between his teeth.

-Alexis? What are you doing here, asked Clint in a low voice although he was quite surprised.

-Just buisness, responded the interested. I'm rather surprised to see you so calm.

-What are you talking about?

-From the time you peed yourself and called the who had nevertheless invited me to your home of your free will, he quipped wickedly.

Clint sighed, it was reproaches without doubt but there was no reason for him to suffer from it.

-You can blame me if you want to but you forced me to do it, he answered without fear, Freddie's presence give him courage.

-I never blame you, you know? Cowardice is pretty common for a guy like you huh?

-Keep your poison you bastard, replied firmly the rockstar.

Jim arrived at the same time, he saw that the atmosphere was tense and he asked Freddie who this stranger was. His response was filled with contempt.

-It's him darling...Alex...!

-The new boyfriend, finally, smiled the young man. You really have nerves of steel big one, I admire your loyalty.

-Watch your words you little snake, grumbled the Irishman.

-I have to say you did quite a deal; Freddie really has a dream ass, he dared to lick his lips in front of them. I really enjoyed it!

It was both repulsive and hurtful for Jim to hear such sentence but despite that he didn't answer, it was just provocation to get a reaction from him and he wasn't going to give it so easily.

-You better get the hell out of here you damn asshole, replied Freddie frowning. Unless you wanna have your back broken again?

-I have only one desire: to get you out of Paul's life, answered the other guy.

-Don't you think I already tried? I never asked him to consider me his property or even to be obsessed with me, he paused and resumed right away. And in case you haven't noticed he never considered you as his boyfriend but rather as his dog.

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