No more escape

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A/N: this chapter is totally rewritten, it was very hard for me so if it is for you do not read it.

Jim lit up the little lamp and removed the blanket so that the bed was completely free, however he still hesitant. Freddie was still traumatized and he feared the way he would react.

-Are you really sure, asked the Irishman one last time.

-Yes darling, you're the only one who can free me from his grip, the singer assured him.

Jim's heart was beating very hard, to see his boyfriend in such insecurity was intolerable. He took his hand and laid him quietly before placing himself on top of him and put the blanket over his back.

-I will go slowly my love, he whispered tenderly.

-Mmm...please silence this fucking nightmare, said Freddie in a trembling voice.

-Shhh, Jim caressed his temple. Trust me and relax.

Later in the living room.

-Do you think they are waking up, asked Clint.

-Probably...I don't even think they slept either, added Joe, resting his head in the crook of his arm.

-To say I was delighted to finally be able to meet him in the flesh...I never believed that such a thing could happen.

-Stop that Clint, there's no point of complaining.

Peter had snapped him as if to reproach him and Joe hadn't appreciated it at all.

-Are you going to calm down a bit, he retorted firmly. It's not his fault!

-No it's mine, clarified Peter frowning. And I'm mad with myself in case you missed it!

-Because I don't, the young man got up from the sofa, defying Phoebe with his eyes. I'm as responsable as you I signal you! We are talking about my ex boyfriend, of a man I loved and that I will always love!

There was a lot of pain in Joe's voice, his own tears were so hard to hold back. Beside they finally flow making Peter terribly uncomfortable; he didn't know what to add and preferred to check how the two lovers were doing. He went up the stairs but when he was about to open the bedroom door he heard little moans and immediately understand what was happening.

-It's better so, he murmured to himself.

So he leaves them alone and returned to the living room without looking at the other two who still hadn't moved from the sofa.

-It was quick, blurted out Joe. Are they awake?

-Yes they are...Jim is taking care of Freddie, clarified the stocky man.

-Ho, the young man answered simply.

-How is Freddie at least, asked Clint innocently.

He felt a little tap on his knee and his boyfriend resumed softly.

-Later Clint, taking care is another meaning in the Hutton-Mercury language.

In the bedroom a few minutes later.

-Haa my god...Jim, the singer ran a hand through his wet hair.

-Don't talk my love, whispered his man. Take time to breath.

Jim withdrew cautiously, lying down next to him and Freddie come closer to buried his head in his chest. He was shaking but this time it was under the effect of orgasm, the Irishman had made them relive their first time with the same tenderness and above all with patience.

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