Face to face

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A/N: I decided to change this chapter a little, if you have already read this book I hope you will understand my decision. Please read carefully.

-We finally meet again Freddie, smiled Prenter. How do you feel?

The singer's face was strained, if he hadn't called all of his self control he would have told him to fuck off. His instinct hadn't fooled him when he said he was being followed. Paul looked at him like on the first day; the same sharp smile and the same admiring eyes, it doesn't bode well.

-You let your hair grown, growled Freddie. It doesn't make you more sympathetic.

-Don't be a bad tongue, resumed calmly the other man. I came as a friend.

-A friend? I thought I was clear when I said I never wanted to see your face again.

Paul nodded and emitted a little laugh.

-I know but not a day goes by that I don't think about you...I miss you Freddie, I need you and you need me. We're related to each other.

The singer clenched his free fist biting his bottow lip, now he counted to lure him with sweet words? He had definitely hadn't changed and neither had his obsession; in his eyes Freddie was a god, he had money and a perfect body (which he could never have appropriated) and above all he had a beautiful house and not a small yet spacious house that Paul lived in.

-You damn leech, he hissed between his teeth. All the time I spent with you was a big mistake. You offered me as food to some fucking perverts and just to make yourself a good jackpot, you sold me to the press...!

The ex manager shrugged and took a very sorry look that seemed sincere.

-I know what I did was wrong but I never wanted to harm you, you can trust me.

-That's it make me laugh, snapped back the rockstar throwing his cigarette away. I trusted you when you made me swallow so called tranquilizers when I was stressed, I even closed my eyes when you made life hard on my boys.

-Your boys? You mean your group?

-Of course dumbass! You made them suffer as much as I suffered, his face darkens but he makes a huge effort to stay calm. You are nothing for me anymore, just a sad part of my past that I erase over time...

Prenter was prepared for this reaction and unbeknownst to Freddie, he knew one trick or two.

-Do you really think you can act like I never existed, he asked quietly. Do you think I don't know about you little secret with your precious Deaky?

The singer remained silent but a pinch  formed on the corner of his mouth, this unforeseen sentence started to worry him seriously.

-What are you talking about, demanded the eldest with a dull voice.

-Oh you know excatly what I mean. All those night he used to come to your room, do you intend to make me believe it was for play scrabble, said Paul on a disturbing quip tone.

-He just came to tell me about his problems and nothing else!  And besides how do you know that? You were following him too?

-Maybe...so maybe can you explain to me what those little noises were in his your bedroom about three years ago? I don't think he's the type to give himself some pleasure?

The rockstar tried to hide his nervousness but he had been caught off guard, how the hell Paul know? Had he surprised them or was he bluffing to try and get a reaction from him? It was impossible to know but he didn't like the turn of this conversation at all, he was swearing inwardly that he had had this leech in the legs all this time.

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