Work before party

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The next morning, September 5, 8h.

Jim was sleeping soundly and had no intention of getting up, the night had been too short and he had cramps all over his body. In his head the images of last night had paraded like in a movie, all these things he had done and so he had vowed never to do...had he acted because of Freddie's seductive power or had he acted on his own free will? He didn't know. 

As he began to stir to ease another pain he felt something cold on his forehead and he slowly opened his eyes; his boyfriend was kneeling on the edge of the bed making his velvet eyes and playing with his hair.

-My love, whispered the younger man in a low voice.

-Hi sunshine, cooed the singer affectionately. How are you feeling?

-How do you think I feel after what you did to me, answered his man in a desperate attempt at humor.

Freddie giggled and continued to stroke his hair, his face reflected gentleness, the seductive impulsive man from yesterday had fallen asleep and the sweet caring man was back.

-Did you wash yourself, asked Jim.

-No, I'm waiting for you to come join me.

-Go alone...I don't have the strength to get up, added the Irishman lazily.

-Maybe you want me to give you some momentum, demanded Freddie in a quip tone that just make Jim chuckled.

-I would like to see you try.

Responding to the challenge the rockstar stood up, grabbed the blanked and pulled it away exposing his man's still naked body. He licked his lips and lay down on top of him to his full length, Jim instinctively stiffened because his boyfriend was naked too.

-Argh! You're frozen!

-Haha you're less clover now, laughed his eldest proudly.

The singer clung to him, blocking his legs although more was needed to immobilize Jim; this one however didn't want to play.

-Please baby...not this morning...

-Oooh it looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed, asked Freddie with a smile.

-Whose fault is it? Who put me in orbit five hours earlier, growled Jim in a falsely annoyed voice.

-Seeing how you screamed you didn't seem to complain, his boyfriend pointed out as he rested his head against his upper back.'s true.

Jim yawned and buried his head in the pillow, he stretched slowly while Freddie ran his left arm with his index finger and breathed peacefully in his neck. When he ventured his hand to the hip he felt something: a damn mark, it was where he had bitten him but he wouldn't have believed he had been so hard.

-How long do we have to go to the studios?

-About an hour and a half, responded the rockstar softly.

-Damn, huffed his man. We will never get there in time.

-Unless you lift your butt of this bed.

-Raise yours and I'll come.

Freddie helped his man to get up and led him to the bathroom where he had already turned on the water and of course forced on the dose of foam. Jim couldn't help but smile in amusement.

-It's stronger than you, isn't it?

-The more the better my dear, affirmed the singer winking at him.

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