A playful morning

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The next morning, 7h50.

Despite the late night yesterday Jim woke up first, he placed a light kiss on his boyfriend's hair then left the bedroom to get dressed and went straight down the stairs to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. When he then walked in the living room he found Peter already leafing through his newspaper; after greeted him he sat down on the large sofa yawning.

-Here's one just waking up, quipped Phoebe gently. How was it last night?

-Definitely long, huffed Jim, rubbing his tired eyes. We danced all evening and I drank a little too much.

-You know I understand how much you like spending time with Freddie, but you shouldn't force yourself to follow his hellish pace.

-He's my boyfriend Peter, I don't need to force myself. And anyway I know my limits.

-Did you know Freddie had no limits before meeting you, asked the other man innocently.

-No, the Irishman shook his head. He talks very little about his past and then I don't want to bother him with that because I know excatly how it's going to end.

Phoebe nodded, if Jim didn't know anything it was propably better this way. God only knows the follies and the deviations that the singer had made during all these years and it wasn't always very nice to know. Preferring to change the subject, Jim took a sip of tea and resumed:

-Freddie told me the night I got back that I was the man of his life.

-Really, Peter smiled widely. I understand better now why he was in such bad mood when you were gone.

-Joking aside, is it true that you kicked him in the ass?

-Hahaha yes I did! But unfortunately that didn't make him more lovable!

They both laughed at the remark then Jim resumed his seriousness.

-I must admit I was very surprised when he said that, he said calmly. I was never been very optimistic for a lasting romantic relationship, but now that I am with him...

Jim searched for the exact word but it was unsucessful.

-I don't know how to explain it.

-Let me help you: Freddie gave you hope, conclued Peter.

-Mmh...yes, I think so, nodded the Irishman staring at a void.

-So everything is fine; it's obvious that you were made for each other.

Jim appreciated Peter's kindness very much but there was still something that bothered him, a deep wound to be more precise. He hadn't forgotten his break up with his first boyfriend for whom he still felt responsable and he hoped above all that he would never make the same mistakes with Freddie again because he felt that he could never love another man as much he loved the flamboyant rockstar.

-Maybe I'm overthinking, he mumbled to himself.

Several minutes later the singer wake up in his turn, he didn't take the time to put on pants (a bad habit he had resumed after Jim's departure) and went down the stairs. He felt wide awake this morning and stretched his arms with a smile, anyway, considering it was Sunday today he hadn't planned on doing anything except spending time with his man whom he found sitting in front of the television. He went straight to lie down on his legs.

-Good morning sunshine, said Freddie tenderly.

-Good morning baby, did you sleep well?

-Very well, your performance last night made my night, he added with a lovely smile.

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