Parker can’t help him, he’s stuck.

October’s too far away, she wouldn’t be fast enough.

I’m the only one that can help. I’m the only one.

Like a bat out of hell I push myself to run faster, to get there sooner, before it’s too late. When I’m close enough I jump, and while I soar through the air a battle cry is ripped from my throat, which in retrospect isn’t too smart because she can now here me coming. In the back of my head, like it was heard from the edge of my ears, October’s voice, her human voice, yells at me to stop. But I can’t. Kent is just too important.

So I land on the she-wolf’s back, my arms latching on for all I’m worth to the ruff on her neck. She smells of woods and musk and the copper bite of blood. My face is crammed into her shoulder and becomes slick with the red liquid fast, filling my nose and mouth, but that’s ok. I just hold on even tighter.  

Piper gives a yelp at the sudden weight on her back and I can hear Kant whine and whimper and bark, obviously distressed and nervous with me joining in on the fight. I ignore his noises as I wrap my legs around Piper and pray my inexistent plan pays off. Piper bucks and jerks trying to dislodge me without letting Kent up. Under her he thrashes attempting to free himself to no avail. Her claws are dug deep into his shoulders, preventing him from moving without being cut. My head lifts slightly from Pipers fur and Kent’s eyes lock with mine.

Even though he can’t talk to me in his wolf form his eyes speak volumes. They are so human, so filled expression and emotion; inside the swirling green depths show fear, and not for himself, but for me. It’s like I can hear his thoughts through his deep green eyes.

No, they say. No Blu please, don’t do this. You’ll get hurt, please leave. Blu stop!

But I ignore it, closing my eyes so I don’t have to see that raw emotion in his eyes.

Piper bucks again this time more violently and my legs slip; my convers clad feet flopping around trying to find a hold again. Her fur is too slick with blood and mud, I can’t seem to wrap my legs around her while she squirms and bucks. I grind my teeth together in fear and frustration, tears leaking from my closed eyes as I try fruitlessly to stay on Pipers back. I can’t hold on for too much longer, but I can hear October closing in on us.

She gives another hard shake and I can feel my fingers slip. Everything seems to go in slow motion and on mute. Piper bucks one more time freeing me from her back completely. I’m soaring through the air now, arms pin wheeling as I go. There is nothing under my feet but air. A silent scream flows from my lips. My eyes widen and all I can see is Kent and those green, green eyes.

 I’m not flying anymore. My head makes contact with something unbelievably hard. A rock, a tree perhaps? Black seeps into my sight like ink soaking into paper until it’s all I see. I’m going, going, gone.

Kent’s POV

I felt so unbearably helpless when Blu was flying through the air. I couldn’t get to him fast enough after I got out from under Piper. I couldn’t stop him from connecting with the tree. And even when I made it to him after that sickening crack rang out, I couldn’t keep him awake. I failed, failed at keeping him safe.

Cradling his limp form in my (newly human) arms, tears prick my eyes. Theirs blood all over him, and even though I know most of it is from clinging onto Pipers battered back I can’t help the deadly anger and hysteria from flooding my system.

Blu is hurt, and it’s all my fault. I couldn’t protect him.

Gently I lay Blu down on the soft grass and rise, my shoulders shaking with rage. My body is burning with honest hatred, and I realize I’ve never truly hated someone until now. Sure I’ve disliked people and thrown around the word ‘hate’ like it was nothing from time to time but who hasn’t? No, what I was feeling was just dislike no matter how strong that dislike was. This, right now, what I’m feeling, is true hatred. I let it consume me, the hatred that is, and I can feel it rolling off me like waves. It penetrated everything, making my whole body hot.          

In a single moment I asses my surroundings like my brain is a computer; sorting and storing information. Pipers creeping up on me in a slinking motion that isn’t totally fluid seeing as her injuries cause her to limp. Good, I’ll use that to my advantage. Parker is still trapped under a large pile of rubble and is in obvious pain trying to wriggle free. He can wait; he’s strong enough to hold out for a little while longer. Lastly October is closing in fast with blood shed alight in her eyes, Heath close behind.

In a flash of rippling flesh I’m a large wolf again ready to kill. I growl and she barks back, a challenge. I am more than happy to oblige. October comes up behind me and takes an offensive stance but I give her a look and bare my teeth. This is my fight; I’m going to finish it. She takes a couple of steps back but seems hesitant. Giving her my best ‘Alpha stare’ I incline my head towards Parker, silently ordering her to help him. She bows her head and does as told, running over to the ravine with Heath in toe. If it wasn’t such a bad time I would have made a crack about how whipped he is already.

I turn my attention from them to Piper who has been patently waiting for us to be alone. She sneers at me, her ears flat on her head. Growling, I pounce, fully ready to spill blood for Blu. Blu, I think, hang in there.              

So there it is! Oh and i wanted to say that even though i suck at replying to your comments, they make me really happy and i want to thank you for them. But of you really want me to reply then send me your message in a PM, i always answer to them :) Hope you enjoyed this Chapter!

Love Me Or Die!

You're My Mate? But You're a GUY! (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now