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I hear a knock on my door as I'm reading my book and look over. "We're going out to get dinner. You coming?" My sister, Allison asks. "Of course" I scoff, throwing my book down. I throw on a hoodie and rush after Allison who was heading down the stairs. I beat her down the stairs, smiling victoriously as Mom rolls her eyes. "Don't run down the stairs" She scolds and I just shrug, running out to the car.

My name is Alexis Argent and I have a twin sister, Allison. She was a minute older than me. My family was used to moving around a lot. We went from France to San Francisco to here, a small town in California called Beacon Hills. Weird name. I of course, didn't want to move and leave my friends and my life behind. Allison, on the other hand, was excited to move. She hated our last school.

I always tried to convince her to just a join a sport or something but she would always tell me she didn't like sports. If we had an archery team though, she most likely would have joined that team. I, on the other hand, enjoy sports. Soccer, Hockey, Baseball, you name it and I'd be excited. Every season at our last school, I'd be in some kind of sport. Softball, Basketball, Soccer, Track and Hockey.

This school had a new sport though. Lacrosse. Unfortunately, they only had a boys team but...who said that was gonna stop me? Once I heard we were moving, I looked up the sports and saw Lacrosse. It's gonna be a new challenge for me, but I think I'll be able to manage. I've been training on my lacrosse skills lately and they're not that bad. The main reason we're always moving around is because of my Dad.

He apparently sells guns to the law enforcement which is why we have so many in our house. I'm not a big fan of that stuff. Dad taught us both how to shoot with a bow and arrow and Allison was really good at it but that kind of thing just wasn't for me. He got some job offer around here which caused us to move. I just hope I'll be able to make some new friends around here.


I lay in the backseat of the car as we head home from eating. Not only did I finish off my food, I also finished off my Mom and Allison's food as well. I wasn't gonna let it go to waste. Allison always says my stomach is like a black hole with how much I eat. No matter how much food I eat, I never seem to gain any weight either. I think it's very useful in my opinion. I get to eat as much as I want and also stay fit to play sports.

Allison was currently sulking in the front seat about having moved to this town and Dad never spending any time with us. "Your father is a highly respected private security consultant and a federally licensed firearms dealer. It's not exactly a 9:00-to-5:00 office job." Mom explains. Allison goes to say something but Mom cuts her off again.

"The hours are always going to be like this" She adds. "I get it. It's just- It's kind of weird when he takes off in the middle of the night, rushing out with duffel bags full of automatic weapons." Allison laughs. She suddenly gasps, lurching up in her seat. "Mom, look out!" She screams as I quickly sit up as well. We almost hit a boy but Mom manages to swerve the car just in time and we miss him. "Woah..." I breathe out. "Oh! You almost killed him!" Allison says, trying to catch her breath.

"He ran out into the middle of the road." Mom points out. "Okay, well we have to go back" Allison says, turning around to look behind us. I look back as well. That was crazy. What was he doing out in the middle of the night in the freezing cold rain anyways? "Go back?" Mom asks in disbelief. "What if he's hurt?" Allison worries. Mom doesn't say anything, continuing to drive.

"Mom, turn around" Allison tells her. "She's right, Mom. We should check on him" I agree. "Mom!" Allison says. She groans, finally turning back around. She stops the car and Allison quickly hops out. "Allison, wait" I say, jumping out after her. "Allison. Allison! Alexis!" Mom calls after us. We find muddy foot prints leading into the woods and start to follow them, ignoring our Mom's calls.

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