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Castiel's POV

Hours went by but she wouldn't wake up. But at least she didn't have to fight Erik in her mind.
"Still nothing?" Dean asked as he entered the room. He sat down next to me and took her hand in his.
"No .. I don't know what to do, Dean." I already tried everything. Trying to heal her, eventhough I didn't know what I was trying to heal in the first place.
"Give her some time. I'm sure it was really hard fighting him. She needs some rest." He had a point but still.
"I think we should continue working on the case so we can start right away when she's awake again," I suggested. Dean gave me a small nod and stood up.
"So let's go," he said, as we went out of the room.

Your POV

I woke up in a dark room which I soon recognized as mine. Chess was lying next to me,slightly wagging his tail as he saw me being awake. Quiet music Was comming out of the radio,but I didn't know the song. Seemed like some old rock song that for sure was picked out by Dean. He always tried to make me like his music, but he always failed, just like this time again. Wait. It shot through my head. Suddenly, flashbacks filled my mind. I could see Erik,grinning in an evil way, trying to make me follow him.

"I know that you can't resist me. So stop trying." A strong pressure laid on me, forcing me on my knees.
"I will never follow you!" My voice was shaking, I could feel him trying to controll my mind, but I sure as hell didn't plan to let this happen. I could feel a light touch on my shoulders, I immediatly knew it was Cas.
"Oh, look who's there," Erik laughed. "Let's talk a little to that angel, shall we?" I saw him changing into dark clouds and before I knew what was going on, he crushed against me and I was wide awake. Seeing Cas was a relief, but I knew, we weren't alone.
"(Y /N)?" I could hear him say. But it wasn't me that answered. "No," I could hear me say. Erik's voice was guiding mine as I tried with all the power that I had to get the controll back.
" C-cas," I was really doing everything I could to push him back, and somehow, I made it. "He... he's inside me. T-trying... to..." I felt that pressure disappeare and was all of the sudden really tired. I couldn't help it but fell into a deep sleep.

"That fucker," I wispered to myself as I tried to get up. My legs felt like pudding and I had to grab the edge of my bed so I wouldn't fall over. I had to admit that I was a little proud of myself for getting the controll back. It showed me, that his power was at least limitted.
Slowly I made my way through the long halls of the bunker. Chess was always by my sick, making sure that I was save.
"Thank god, you're ok. " As soon as I entered the main hall,Cas was by my side, helping me to sit down.
"Did you just thank your own father?" I tried to make a joke, but nobody seemed to find it funny.
"How are you?" Sam asked me, that familiar worried Look of him in his face.
"I'm quiete good. Just tired." I knew that none of them believed me, but I indeed didn't feel bad.
Dean asked me what happened,so I told them.
"That son of a bitch!" Dean shouted. He was mad angry. "I will kill him."
"If someone is going to kill him, it will be me," I said. He had to pay for what he has done.


I was surprised as the boys told me that I had slept for solid two days. During that time they managed to find the next child not even that far away from here.
"So let's make some new friends." We were going with two cars, and our new destination was Springfield.
Six hours later, we passed the city's boarders and searched for the next hotel. only some minutes later, we found one that looked really cheap,but it would do.
"Do you think we will meet the Simpsons?" Dean laughed. I looked at Sam who just shrugged.
"He had some hours of sleep." That explained alot.


After we all got a shower and packed out some things, we jumped into the Impala and drove to the next poor soul we had to annoy.
we pulled into the driveway of a cute little house. The garden looked amazing. We knocked on the door to find a sweet little granny behind it.
"Can I help you?" She smiled at us.
"Yes, hi. We are searching for Dianna Thompson. Does she live here?" of course it was Sam talking to her. 
"Yes, she lives here, wait a moment, please." She closed the door again. A moment later,a young woman opened the door. She looked tired,her dark wild curles flew around her face. Dark circles were visible under her eyes.
"What's up." Her dull voice didn't hold any emotions, she let her emerald eyes wander over us all, but didn't really seem to bother why we were here.
"Are you Dianna?" Dean asked her and She nodded.
"Di." She said and stepped a little aside for us to come in. I was a little surprised that she let us in without knowing who we were and what we wanted. "So, why are you here?" We explained her everything we knew and what the purpose of our visit was. "So if I am right, you guys are here to take me out of my beautiful home to fight against some asshole that is currently stuck in hell but tries to come out. Correct?"
I gave her a nod. "He will come for you and will try to make you serve him."
"His name is Erik, right?" She asked after some moments of silence.
"You know him?" Cas looked at her worried. Of course he had already contacted her.
"Yeah, he reached out for me some weeks ago. Just before I moved here."
"Together with your grandma?" Dean asked her. She was confused first but then laughed.
"Oh, you mean her?" Her shape went blurry for a moment and suddenly, that granny from the door was sitting in front of us.
"A shape shifter!" Dean shouted and took his knife out of the pocket. She snapped back into the look of a young woman again but wasn't really impressed of Dean's knife held right into her face.
"No, I'm not. You're not the first hunters here. You can try, I won't react to silver in any kind." we tested her and she was right. So she told us how her power came to her ...

look who's back!! I'm terribly sorry that I took so long. I'm trying to update more often again from now on. Btw I love reading your comments! you guys are the cutest! x

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