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So I pulled my shirt up, just high enough for them to see the sign.
"Oh damn it." Dean muttered under his breath, I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up Styles," I groaned. I saw Dean looking at me confused first as if he didn't recognize his last name.
"Oh! We didn't tell you yet. Sam and I, we are brothers and our real last name is Winchester." I turned around, looking at them with raised eyebrows.
"What's even real on you guys?" I laughed.
"Oh well .." Dean started, but I gestured him to just stay silent.
"Oh okay, no I don't wanna know. Let's get back to topic," I said, pulling down my shirt. "So, Cas, what can I do?" I asked him but he slightly shook his head.
"We need to do some research for that, that's a really old sign and it's been a long time since I saw it the last time." Great. But then, something came up to me.
"Guys, but what about those others? I mean, yeah, I got the sign but why did these murders happen in the form of it all over the whole countty? Maybe we should solve that first and if we're lucky enough, the sign might disappear?" Secretly I knew, that I would never be lucky enough in my life for that to happen but it was worth a try, wasn't it?
"You're right, I was so focused on that sign on your back that I actually forgot about the murders," Dean joked. What a funny guy. Not.
"Oh that's so sweet of you, Dean." Sam slapped his shoulder, rolling his eyes but Dean only laughed. Dorks.


We spent the whole evening sitting in front of the laptops, trying to find anything that would help us. But the only thing we really found out that in summary 20 murders happened until this day that would fit into the case.
"So, I'd say, we have to find those 20 people that are involved into those cases as soon as possible." Dean leaned back in his chair, taking a sip from his beer. He looked up at Sam who was walking through the room for almost 10 minutes now. He was starting to make me nervous with this but I decided to let him. Maybe it would help us.
"That seems to be the only option." Sam was lost in thoughts, trying to find a connection that was maybe there, or maybe not. We didn't know and it was really frustrating. I've spent the last 4 years, trying to find those connections. But then again, I never had the help of two hunters and an angel. An angel, that was constantly looking at me by the way. Everytime I looked back at him, he turned away. What a cutie.
I found myself calling him cute more than I actually wanted but I couldn't help it. But I still felt really uncomfortable with the fact that he basically knew everything about me. I didn't know how to act around him, that's why I ended up being even more awkward then ever. Great.


When they finally left, it was around 1 am. I called in sick at work and just fell into bed, not even caring to undress. Chess laid down next to me, snuggeling into my side. Even in the warmth of the room, I couldn't sleep without this giant tedy warming me and cuddeling. He was better than any boy could ever be.

The next morning, I woke up from a sleep without any dream. My head was spinning from the way too many beers I had last night, so I decided to stay in bed and just watch TV. But a silent knock on my door made me get up. Groaning, I made my way to the door to see Castiel standing in front of it. I was kind of surprised to see him and not the Winchesters but then again, it could be interesting to be alone around him.
"You look tired," he said.
"Yeah, good morning to you to, Cas." I stepped aside to let him in. "So you can also knock on doors," I teased him. He turned around looking at me confused with his typical Cas-Eyes.
"Do you want me to just appear in your room again?" That guy really doesn't understand sarcasm.
"Oh Cas .. no I don't, knocking is okay. Not that weird." I laughed at him and just fell back onto my bed. Chess didn't even care to move a single inch.
"So .. did I wake you up?" He sat down on the same chair he already used yesterday.
"No, I was awake already but just decided to stay in bed. I'm not feeling that good." He narrowed his eyebrows and got up to come to me. I watched his movements as he lifted his hand to touch my forehead. As soon as he touched me, my headache disappeared and I felt like I got a solid 10 hours sleep.
"Damn Cas, I'm keeping you. That was awesome." I laughed and decided to take a shower, Cas waiting for me sitting on the edge of my bed.

So hey guys, those silent readers. Yep, I can see you, lol. Soo .. what do you think? Let me know what I could do better (also the language etc.) Or what you think will happen next! Do you think the story line is supernatural-worthy? 😅

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