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"I'm getting tired. I think I should go get some rest," Dean said, yawning and stretching as he got out of his camping chair.
"You're just drunk!" Sam slurred, laughing as he got up as well. At least 30 empty bottles of beer stood around the burned out campfire. The burning ashes still heated up the small circle we were sitting in as the moon was rising into the clear night sky. Not a single cloud was visible that night, the stars were glowing in the dark, making it the perfect scenery.
A soft noise came from the forest behind us and I slightly turned my head as a couple birds flew away.
"Shut up, you're drunk!" Dean's voice pulled me out of my dream. He and Sam were fighting, putting each other in a head lock, stumbeling into each other as they were laughing loudly.
"Just get into the bed, you giant baby."Sam pulled Dean into the cabinet, slamming the door shut.
"You clever little fucker!" I heard Dean shouting. I didn't bother to care enough to wonder what he meant with this, so I choose to just look back to the lake. As I caught Castiel staring at me, I turned my head to him.
"Got something in my face?" I asked him
"Oh no .. sorry, I didn't mean to .." he stuttered, trying to hide his embarrassment.
"It's all good, Cas. I was joking," I smiled, pumping my shoulder into his. We sat really close, Castiel had to move closer to me as the smoke always seemed to go into his direction.
"How did you like the swimming?" My drunken ass was definitely super bad at small talk.
"It was .. interesting. It was a good cooling, though," he said, looking at me with a foreign glare. I held his glance for some seconds before looking to the ground, kinda uncomfortable. "But still, I never thought I'd need to learn it." He added, after some moments in silence had passed.
"Well, since you had wings, it never seemed necessary, right?" I leaned back in the chair so I could look into the sky.
"The last time it could have been necessary was when the whole earth was flooded. God almost made us learn it." I was still watching the stars shine brightly; it was even dark enough to see the milky way.
"Wait, you mean that Noah-thing?" I slurred, of course I had some beers too. And maybe, some meant alot. I heard Castiel giggling softly.
"Yes, that Noah-thing."
"So, maybe that time you had been lucky enough to get away without learning it. But not today, buddy." Suddenly I got up. I had a great idea and Cas already could guess what it was. His eyes filled with panic.
"Where are you going?" He knew already, the tone in his voice told me.
"I'm teaching you how to swim. Now get your angle ass over here." I was already on my way to the water. Too drunk to care, I just stripped down and got in, dressed in my underwear instead of a bikini. I got into the water that was shining peacefully in the moonlight. It was still warm, maybe around 77°, and the water cooled down my heated body. The alcohol had done the rest, so I was barely noticing the temperature of the water.
"Get in, Cas! Or do I have to make you?" I had to continue calling him pussy and other names for another minute before he gave in and came to me after he got rid off his clothes. He seemed nervous, his eyes were glowing in excitement, but I couldn't tell if it was positive or negative.
"Stay calm, okay? It's only water, it won't bite you." I remembered the time my dad taught me how to swim. I was just as nervous as Cas might be right now but I also knew that my dad would never let anything happen to me. I looked Castiel in the eyes, his chest was rusing heavily. I showed him how he had to move his arms and legs to swim properly. Whenever I toughed his arm or chest, the already familiar electric shock went through my body. The combination with alcohol made me feel like I was high. It was an addicting feeling but before it got too far, I got away from him and tried my best to act together. Cas immediately knew how to move correctly and easily swam around me in small circles three times.
"Great! Just like you've never done something else." I cheered as he finally stood next to me again. The drops were slowly running down his toned body, I kept watching it running down his stomach until I noticed what I was doing there. Immediately, I looked away, trying to play off my dirty thoughts. Damn girl, get yourself together.
"Thank you. But .. I have to admit something." He finally said, luckily he didn't comment on the awkward situation we were just in.
"What is it?" I looked back into his eyes. The icy blue of them even glowed in the dim light of the night.
"I didn't have to be taught," he wispered, almost too silent for me to hear.
"What? Why would you let me show you then?" I asked him confused.
"It was ..," he sighed, "it was Dean's idea. He thought it was a good way to get .. to get close to you." Castiel turned away so I couldn't see how embarrassed he was.
"Wait why would you want to-" I started, but he cut me off.
"I'm terribly sorry. I know I had no right to make any moves towards you. It will never happen again, I promise you that." His back still faced me but I could see his head hanging. I touched his shoulder to turn him back to me. I wanted to look into his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes.
"Castiel, look at me. Don't ever be sorry! You're literally the cutest angel I know."
"I'm the only angel you know."
"True but you're also my favourite one. And you really wanted to get close to me?" I shyly asked. My hand still rested on his shoulder, his skin was hot under my touch.
"Of course. Since the first time I laid my eyes on you, I was fascinated by you." He stepped a little closer to me. I could feel my heart race increasing as I noticed that he never stood that close to me. I had to tilt my head to keep the eye contact.
"Cas..." I didn't know what I wanted to say anymore. I was lost in his eyes and the way they shone in the moon light. I forgot about where we are and that Sam and Dean could possibly watch us. I forgot about how fucked up I was and how bad the idea was to actually allow what was happening at the moment. The only thing that mattered at that moment was Cas and the way he looked at me. How his eyes wandered down to my lips, how he bites his. Suddenly his lips crashed into mine. I was wide awake, wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing my whole body against his. It all lasted only a few seconds before I pulled away.
"I'm so sorry! That.. that was too much, sorry," I apologised. He looked at me surprised, his breathing was fast and his lips parted.
"You don't have to." Castiel finally said, after a really long second in silent.
"Let's get out, shall we?" I didn't wait for his answer and went back to the beach as fast as I could. I tried to bring as much distance between us as I could.

Back in the cabin I found Dean sleeping and snoring on the couch.
"I guess I'll take his room then and watch TV." Cas said. We didn't speak until now but the tension was still present. He started walking towards the bedroom as I called him back.
"Castiel? Would you .. uhm, like to watch TV in my room?" I already expected him to say no but he surprised me as he turned to go in my direction.
"And where would you stay?" He stood in front of me again. Not that close this time but still close enough for me to see his eyes.
"Well, in my room." I looked into his eyes, meeting his glare.
"I'd like that." He softly smiled at me, walking past me into the room.
I smiled to myself before I followed him but going directly into the bathroom to change clothes and brush my hair and teeth.

When I got back, Cas was already lying on my bed, his arms crossed behind his head, watching TV.
When I laid down next to him, I first tried to keep as much space between us as possible but Castiel pulled me closer to him so my head was resting on his chest. I tried to keep watching the movie for a bit but drifted off to sleep way to soon. I didn't know if I was already dreaming but I thought I heard him say "Good night, beautiful," before finally falling asleep.

Trenchcoat {Castiel | SPN}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant