Die For Me

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"You always said you would die for me."

"I have been gone so long."

"Forever waiting, You never came."

"Oh how you cried for me so."

"Then you simply let me go."

"Don't you remember your promises to me?"

"Time after time i visited you."

"Why have you not come to join me?"

"Don't you see our love is meant to be?"

"You always said you would die for me."

"Im coming to collect you."

"We will be together for an eternity."

Sometimes love can kill.

Don't make promises you don't intend to keep.

You might be in to deep.

About six feet under in a grave that is.

But don't despair
"I'll be there with you."

"The life you lived after me, that wasn't meant to be."

"You belong with me."

"You always said you would die for me."

"Come my dear it shall finally be you and I."

"Unfortunately you must first die."

"I'll make it fairly quick, you will hardly feel the pain."

"Don't you see, finally you will be joining me."

Forever in the afterlife.

Do not repost, edit, or copy my poetry. It belongs to me.

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