[1] Shock

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Third pov

"I think it's time we tell him."

"Hmm, well I was already planning to and she also decided now was as good as a time it seems."

"How do you suppose he would react?"

"Knowing him, he'll definitely be cold and distant.. probably in denial about the whole thing."

"Hm...you're right."

"Do you really believe this is a good idea?"

Sitting in the Hokages office is the 3rd and 4th Hokage. They were both standing staring down at a sleeping baby in the cradle they had brought to keep her there while they wait for someone to arrive.

"Without a doubt." The 4th, Minato smiled at his predecessor, Sarutobi, the previous 3rd Hokage.

" So, when will he arrive?" Sarutobi questioned eyes not leaving the baby.

"Should be arriving about..." a knock sounded on the door "Now." Minato smiled and the two moved to sit on their seats, behind and in front of the desk.

"Enter!" And so the person did.

Gravity defying silver hair walked into the room as a teenage ANBU wearing boy lazily strolled up to the two Hokages.

"You called Hokage-samas..?" He trailed off unsure of how he should address both Hokages.

"Kakashi! Hai, please have a seat! This is going to take some.. time, to digest." Minato smiled kindly as he always have when dealing with the thirteen years old boy.

Doing as told Kakashi took a seat beside the 3rd Hokage who offered him a nod as he sat down.

"Now, before we dive into things, how have you been? It's been so long since I've seen you, are you avoiding us? If so, Kushina is not happy." Minato still smiled, sweat dropping at the end as he imagined his wife.

Kakashi also sweat dropped at the thought of the 4ths wife. She was a kind woman, but so scary. "Go-Gomen sensei, I'll visit more often..." The 3rd chuckled patting the boy on his back.

"Wise words my boy. Cause once she gets her hands on you!" He laughed not even bothering to finish and letting Kakashi's mind roam.

"Now, about what we called you in for." Things took a turn, a serious atmosphere surrounding the two Hokages. "Kakashi, you have-" Minato was abruptly cut off by the wailing of a baby.

Kakashi jumped, eye widening as he watched his sensei shift and turn to pick up a... baby girl? He stared silently. He didn't know his sensei adopted a baby by the looks of her, as she didn't resemble him at all, then again she is just a baby.

"I...didn't know you had a kid, congrats, sensei..." Kakashi spoke his thoughts.

"She's not mine! She's yours! Ah wait, no. She's not yours, she...she's your sister." Minato panicked before he had taken a breath and somewhat calmly finished the sentence. Sarutobi chuckled.

That was one way to break the news.

". . .Eh?" Kakashi blinked highly confused by what just left his sensei's mouth.

"Way to break it to him, Minato." Sarutobi was highly amused by the current situation, but on the inside he was worried.

"Aha...gomen..." Minato sweat dropped smiling sheepishly as he fed and tried to rock the baby back to sleep "Well you see...Kakashi, this baby in my arms, is your sister. She's your father's daughter." He calmly quietly explained eyes locked on the tiny human in his arms.

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