A Whole new World

Depuis le début

"Are you okay?" Jane asks reaching out to help steady Helena. She nods sweetly and they walk out onto the roof. Helenas heart ached a little bit being back on the roof. She hasn't been back up here since her last night with Loki. Jane walks around the space and looks at the view. "This is a great view of the city." She says checking her watch once again. Not a moment later a blue light flashes and Thor appears in the middle of the roof.

"Jane!" His voice booms as a huge smile takes over his features. He walks over to her and envelopes her in a lover's embrace. They briefly share a kiss before pulling away. "Helena, nice to see you again!" Thor says nodding at the girl. Helena smiles and sends a small wave.

"How's Loki?" She cant help but ask. Thor smiles at her before looking to Jane. Jane winks at him indicting she hadn't given anything away.

"Funny you should ask," his voice booms. " would you like to see him?" He asks. Helena walks towards him smiling.

"How is that possible? Is he coming here? I thought he wasn't allowed back?!" She talks so fast that it caused both Thor and Jane to laugh.

"No milday, he cannot come back here, but my mother thought it would be a good idea for Jane and yourself to come spend some time with us on Asgard." Thor says embracing Jane again. Jane smiles leaning into his hug and looking to see Helenas reaction. Helena doesn't say anything she just nods her head and smiles at the couple.

~~ Loki's p.o.v ~~

Loki stood with mother in the royal fitting room as a maiden tried to fit a new set of robes on him. Loki just glared at the mirrors ahead of him. His black hair slicked back giving him almost a menacing look.

"Did you know that Odin intends to hand the thrown over to Thor soon?" Friggas voice rings out drawing Loki's head back to present. He glances at his mothers reflection in the mirror and nods.

"We can only hope things go as smoothly as the last time Odin attempted to do such." Loki says rolling his eyes. Frigga laughs gently at her sons glib attitude. A hand maid comes quickly into the room bowing at Prince Loki, and The Allmother before whispering something into her ear. Frigga smiles softly and nods her head.

"Very well, thank you." She says sending the maid back out of the room. She turns her attention back to her son. "After your finished in here I would like you to join me in my living quarters my son. I have something for you." Frigga says lightly patting Loki's shoulder. Loki nods his head before staring back into the mirror watching as his mother's reflection leaves the golden room. Loki has been trying to come to terms with his fate. He knew that Odin had alternative motives when welcoming him back, he just wished he knew a way out of it. The seamstress smiled at The young prince.

"I think we are all finished my prince." She says bowing down. Loki nods his head stiffly at the woman before stepping off the stool he has been up on. The seamstress exited the room to allow him to change back into his normal attire. Loki takes his time and dresses himself without his magic. His mother could wait awhile.

~~Helenas p.o.v~~

The second they transported into Asgard Helena threw up. The travel for whatever reason left her feeling light headed and sick. Jane patted her on the back sweetly. "It definitely takes some getting used to." She says sweetly. Thor smiles at the girls and thanks Heimdall. As soon as Helena no longer feels sick she stands up and looks at her surroundings. It's the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. The colors seemed more inhanced than anything she had ever seen. She can see the waterfall that Loki had shown her the first night they spent together up on the roof. She gasped in awe.

"It's beautiful here." She says after a moment. Thor nods his head.

"Aye, it is." Thor grabs Janes hand an starts walking trying to lead the girls towards the castle. "So first thing we have to do is see mother." He says leading them into the castle. The people walking around them are all tall and beautiful. But, all of them stop what they are doing and gawk at the two mortal women in their strange clothing. It doesn't take long before they reach the Allmothers living quarters. Thor knocks on the door and gets instantly welcomed in by a handmaiden. She curtsies for Thor before nodding her head at the two women. "Greetings Greta, can you please tell mother we have arrived." Thor addresses the young maid. She nods and scurries she out of the room.

Thor sits down on an arm chair and pulls Jane down into his lap kissing her neck sweetly. Helena blushes and looks away, taking in the room. It was all golden. It looks like something out of an old Victorian painting. Helena touches the silky dresses all lined up against the wall. "These are beautiful." She says allowed to no one in particular.

"Thank you darling." A woman's voice says from right behind her. Helena jumps and turns around seeing the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She was tall and very elegant. She held herself strong. With long golden hair and a twinkle in her eyes.

Thor and Jane jumped up and walked towards the woman both giving her hugs. The woman smiled and kissed Thor's cheek. "Mother." He says fondly.

"Ah Jane it's wonderful to see you again my darling. You look lovely." The woman says returning janes hug. After embracing Jane the woman turns back to Helena. "You must be the one who has captured my youngest sons heart. It's so good to meet you my darling." She says walking forward and embracing Helena. A calmness spreads over Helena and she embraces the woman back.

"Your Frigga, Loki's told me about you." Helena says sweetly to the Allmother. Frigga smiles and nods her head.

"Yes darling, he's told me all about you as well. He seems to be very fond of you." Frigga pulls back and holds onto her arms lightly. "Now, I need you and Jane to change into these gowns before anyone else knows about your arrival my darlings." She says motioning back towards the dresses Helena was just admiring. Jane walks over to the dresses and selects a Red and Silver one winking at Thor, and then looks at Helena. "Go ahead and pick anyone you want my darling." Frigga says motioning for Helena to pick one out. Helena is instantly drawn to the green and black dress, it's simple yet elegant. Frigga smiles knowingly at the young girl. She winks at the both of them before using her magic and dressing the both of them.

"I'm here mother, what did you want to show me." Loki's voice drawls from behind her. Helena jumps and turns around her heart going in her throat. Loki looks at his mother not yet noticing the other people in the room. Frigga smiles brightly at her son and looks next next to her causing Loki to turn his head. His eyes fall upon the beauty standing next to her and Loki smiles.

Can I Keep You?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant