"I fucking ha-"

"I'm back with Shayden." I cut them off, "Like officially, boyfriend and girlfriend."

Libbie Campbell almost choked on her burger, coughing and spluttering food everywhere.

"You okay?"

"No, it's Libbie." Taylor mutters, sticking a handful of fries into his mouth and chewing sloppily.

"You're hilarious." Tory deadpans, but doesn't look at all surprised by my revelation. Since I'd introduced him to Taylor and Libbie for the first time sober just a few days ago, the group seemed to have hit it off. Seems their drunken states hadn't really paid attention or spoken to him when we went clubbing.

And by hitting it off, they all hated each other which, for Taylor and Libbie, was nothing new.

I ignored all their reactions, deciding to continue what I was saying. "We're just taking it slow at the moment, but I'm not going to tell Remi."

"Are you joki-" Taylor starts off, just to be interrupted by Libbie who's finally regained her breathing.

"That's a shit idea, Remi will kill you for hiding something like this from him." She points out, "You know how he feels about Shayden."

"If I may," Tory speaks up, pointing one finger in the air as if we were back in Middle School. "Why would she want to tell her brother if he's just going to react badly?"

"Are you missing a brain cell?" Libbie narrows her eyes at him, her mocking tone causing a scowl to cover the Cuban boy's face. "Remi wouldn't react badly. He'd be fucking ecstatic."

"At least I have a brain, Princess-"

"I will stab you with this fork, Troy. Don't test me."

"I still don't see what the issue is."

"The problem is," Taylor cuts them both off, "Remi adores Shayden. And if he found out that, after not seeing him for four years, they were back together and he didn't get told, he'd kick off."

"To be honest, it sounds like Remi and Shayden have the real relationship here." Tory points out.

"Obviously, hashtag Rayden forever." Libbie scoffs, before pausing and laughing at her own words as if they were the funniest thing she's ever said. "Besides, it doesn't count if you say no homo."

"Have you ever met Shayden? It's full homo all the way." Taylor says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, but jumps up in his seat as a voice starts speaking behind him.

"You sure about that, Ward?"

I grin, standing up to wrap my arms around my boyfriend. He pecks my lips lightly, smiling, before shuffling into the booth next to me.

It seemed like all direction had already been taken away from his arrival as Libbie  spits out.


Tory narrows his eyes at her tone as she tries to get out of the booth. "Say that again."

"If I say it again, it'll be to a corpse." She threatens, shoving him. "Move out of my way."

"Do you have an off switch?" Tory exclaims, moving out of the booth to stop her climbing over the table.

"Nope. Go suck a dick."



Shayden's fingers run up and down my side. It's all I can focus on as the movie plays on my TV. After Tory and Libbie's argument, which ended with her dumping a milkshake onto his head, Shayden and I decided that a movie night for just us was needed.

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