His smirk drops as his stare flickers to me. "Loving the support, Mendoza. Just what I needed, thanks for that."

"Anytime." I smile sweetly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I was saying," He emphasises, throwing me a quick glare. "I think you should tell us his name first and then we'll see what we can do."

"Colson Mason."

My eyebrows furrow, that name sounding awfully familiar as Taylor seems to have the same thought.

"I swear I know who that is." He mutters, whipping his phone out. He types a few things in before bringing up an instagram profile, showing us both. "He's Cameron's brother. Knew he seemed familiar."

Biting the skin on my inner cheek, I try to not react at all at his words. Libbie seems taken aback at the revelation, as if she didn't expect there to be a relation, and seems a lot more hesitant at looking at his instagram photographs.

"Have you heard off Cam? He's not been around since we left High School." Libbie eventually asks, cocking her head as she directs her question at Taylor.

If anyone would know, it'd be him.

I lay my intertwined fingers in my lap, trying to ignore the way my heart races dangerously at his name and the sudden urge to cover any exposed skin.

"Nah, but Shayden was asking about him the other day. I thought he'd know out of everyone." Taylor says, "I'm going to ask around though. I thought he'd just moved away for college and lost our numbers or something, but surely he would've been back by now. Or been in contact. It's been over three years."

Please don't ask around, I mentally say. Please, Tay.

I can't find it within myself to say it aloud, however.

Libbie groans, throwing herself down onto my bed dramatically. "God, I hate my life so much."


"Word." Taylor mutters, causing us both to look at him funny.

"Shut up."


"Just shut up, Tay." Libbie blinks at him, her mouth set in a straight line.

"I hate you both so much. You actually bully me."

"You're so dramatic." Rolling my eyes, I shuffle off the bed and mess about with my speaker until Arctic Monkeys is playing.

Taylor nods his head up and down to Knee Socks while Libbie's top lip curls up in response. I can't tell whether it's from Taylor's pathetic 'mosher' impression or the fact she hates any music that isn't Halsey or Taylor Swift.

"Don't you think this is weird?" Taylor starts off quietly, "How we've known each other since Pre-K and we're here? Full grown adults with building careers?"

"Fuck me, he's going all existential now." Libbie mumbles, "I can't deal with this emotional shit."

I brush off her comment, instead deciding to entertain Taylor. "I know what you mean. It's weird looking at you and not seeing the boy who glitter bombed every cheerleader at the dance in 7th Grade."

"Hey! At least I didn't get the record for breaking the most noses. Libbie owns up to that one."

"You're trying to insult me but you're just building my ego, Ward." She rebuts instantly, a grin taking over her features as she reminisces. "God, those were the days."

"Do you remember when Jaimee broke Bethany Jacob's nose the week after the food fight in the Cafeteria?" Taylor says in awe, "That was the best day of my life."

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