But I can't tell anyone this. Taylor and Libbie know that it still haunts me but I won't talk about it. They'll ask if I'm okay but otherwise they won't mention it.

I prefer it this way.

"Libbie was screaming, begging them to stop. She said I stood up for around 5 minutes as they took turns to hit me, I didn't fall. They were calling me all types of names. Spic, brownie, slut. I remember shouting stuff back at them, calling them cowards. It just angered them more. It hurt like hell, and I remember someone grabbing my throat and squeezing until I thought I was going to die."

I let go of Tory's hand, but he's reluctant at first to release his hold. I grab the hem of my sweater before I have the opportunity to hesitate, pulling it over my head until I'm just in my tank top. Tory's eyebrows furrow, his eyes unsure of where to look as I turn around, angling my body slightly so he can see my right arm.

"They threw me down, literally forced me onto the ground. There was broken glass everywhere and they'd dragged me onto the bottle pieces. Laughing as I cried, the feeling of glass embedding into my skin was worse than anything else they did. And they kicked me, forcing me down on it further until I was bleeding everywhere. One of them picked up a big piece of it and cut across my arm countless times until my white tee was red. Libbie was crying, begging them to stop but they didn't listen."

I hear Tory shuffle, before hearing a quiet, "Can I?"

My eyes fluttered shut. I nod. His fingers are cool against my skin as he traces the raised skin along my back, before moving to the scars running across my tattoo. His touch is so gentle, as if he's scared he'll break me if he presses down too hard.

"Shayden and Taylor came out of the school and ran over to us. The two boys holding Libbie were out cold instantly, she said. They both ruined the boys surrounding me. Taylor tried to stop the bleeding and was hysterical as he called for an ambulance. He took his shirt off, pressing it against the wounds on my arm and back to try and stop the blood flow. I remember looking up and seeing Shayden fighting four of them. Whether it was the anger at what had happened or the boxing lessons he'd taken since the jumping, they were all on the floor instantly. Once everyone was down, he took care of the ringleader and nearly beat him to death. He probably would've if the paramedics and police didn't show up, and then all Shay cared about was me."

I left a few parts out. Like how Taylor cried and Libbie lay down next to me and held my hand, making me promise I wouldn't leave them. I was so disoriented, on the verge of passing out.

Like how Shayden stayed in the ambulance with me, begging me to stay awake and keep fighting.

Like how Remi thanked Shayden by promising him anything he ever wanted. Swore he'd protect him like a brother so nothing like this would ever happen again.

Like Libbie, Taylor, Remi, Shayden and my parents sitting in the tiniest waiting room for 28 hours straight, through two surgeries and blood-poisoning scares and the entire anxiety that any hospital would evoke in a worried family.

"They got all the glass out, stitched me up and let me leave. The ringleader's dad visited me in hospital, asked me not to press charges in return for them paying all my medical fees and for them to not press any charges for the damage Shayden did. Which was a lot worse than what was done to me."

With all the courage within me, I manage to look up and meet his warm gaze. "I wanted to tell you, just so you knew that no matter what battles you face, we face them together. We'll always have your back too, Tory. You're not on your own."

"You're so strong." He says in awe, mouth slightly open. "Jaimee, you're so strong and you should be proud of yourself for getting through that."

"He's right, you know."

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