Chapter 15 - New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

I nodded, determined to keep her happy, too.

We both finally made it into the kitchen. Y/N was serving Mikey a second slice, and he was scarfing it down like it was his last meal. When she saw me and Raph, she gestured to the plates with slices on them.

"Hey guys! Dinner's served."

Raph sat down in the farthest seat from Mikey, trying to ignore his loud eating noises. He started eating his slice and nodded in approval. "Thanks, Y/N."

I sat down and motioned for her to sit in the chair next to me. After closing the pizza box, Y/N sat down and sighed, resting her head on the back of the chair. "Work was nuts today. I'm exhausted."

I took her hand under the table. She brought her head up to look at me and shifted so her chair was closer to mine.

"Sorry to hear that, New York is always crazy about their pizza," Donnie commented. "At least that place isn't too far from the apartment."

Our fingers intertwined, and I noticed her slight blush that she covered with a fake cough.

"Did you eat?" I‌ asked as I picked up my pizza with my free hand.

Y/N nodded. "Yeah, I‌ had something earlier.‌ Don't worry about it, eat."

I happily obliged and took a huge bite.


I sat on the couch with Y/N laying against my chest. My fingers combed through her hair, and she relaxed against me.

We were comfortable with each other after she moved to New York. I couldn't get enough of her, and she made all my days better, like she was the sun emerging from a cloudy day. But we weren't actually official yet.

Not able to hold it in anymore, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her temple. She turned so she was looking up at me with a grin.

"You're such a flirt."

I brushed her hair out of her face. "And you're really pretty."

The way her face scrunched up when she smiled was my favorite thing, and I couldn't resist. I kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose, and her cheeks.

"Leo, you're so cute!" Y/N giggled uncontrollably as I‌ kissed her. She sat up, and I pulled her back onto my lap, locking eyes with her as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I'm really happy you're staying in New York," I said as I held her waist. "You didn't have to, you know."

Y/N sighed happily and pressed her forehead against mine. "But I wanted to. And I'm glad I did. Now we can spend more time together."

I moved her hair out of her face again. "As much as possible."

The sound of Donnie's lab door being pushed open startled us, and Y/N quickly slid off of my lap and onto the couch as Donnie ran up to us.

"Guys! You have to see this!"

I took her hand and led her into his lab as Raph and Mikey left their rooms and followed.

Once we got there, Donnie was sitting at his computer and pointing at the Kraang communication orb, which was blinking with all-too-familiar purple dots. He connected it to his computer with a wire and started typing feverishly.

Raph peered over his shoulder and waved everything off. "I still can't understand this stupid language."

"Hold on, Raph," I advised, "let him work."

Y/N held onto my arm with her other hand, looking confused.

Once Donnie pressed the enter key, the translation started showing up on the screen. I looked over and started reading.

"They're planning to take over the city for good this time! And it looks like they're conspiring with the government?"

Donnie nodded. "That's what I was afraid of. If the Kraang manage to convince government officials that they're on the same side, they won't need to use mind control. Or they will and they'll use their bodies to communicate with the entire state to get everyone to believe them."

"So what do we do?" Mikey asked, taking out another one of his egg smoke bombs. "Should we make more of these?"

I‌ thought for a moment. "Okay, we need to find out which building they're going to and when so we can infiltrate it. Donnie?"

"State capitol, midnight. They'll be breaking in to steal confidential files."

"Perfect," I said. "Gear up, get everything ready. Mikey's right, we need to make more of those smoke bombs. Be ready by eleven."

As Raph and Mikey went off to prepare, Y/N looked up at me. "Can I do anything to help?"

"I want you to stay here, or back at the apartment." I pulled her into a hug. "You need to be kept safe."

She pulled away and stroked my hand. "But I don't want to leave you guys to it! Can't I do something with‌ Donnie's computer here?"

Donnie spoke up. "Actually, if you have some background on databases, you could monitor the orb, if you want."

Y/N let go of me and walked over to the computer to inspect the screen. She squinted at the small print and moved Donnie's hand off of the mouse so she could see for herself.

Once she clicked around a few times, recognition was on her face. "Yeah, I think I can do that. I've taken a couple of early college classes with databases, this makes sense."

Donnie was in shock. I grinned proudly as he stuttered, struggling for words. "Really? Well, then I-I guess you could-I mean, wow."

She shook her head at him, amused. "Listen, don't judge me just because I'm a girl. But I'd love to help out." She sat down in Donnie's office chair and pulled herself closer to the desk.

I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, burying my face in her neck. "You're perfect, you know that?"

Y/N held onto my arms. "Aw, but so are you, hero." She looked back at the monitor and checked the time. "Let me text my grandma so she doesn't freak, I'll just say I'm sleeping over at a friend's house."

"Wait, do you need pajamas?"‌ I‌ hadn't thought of how late it was going to be.

"Don't worry about it, I should be fine."

Donnie started to leave the lab. "I'll make you a coffee, Y/N. It's going to be a long night."

"Thanks, Don!" she called.

I‌ kissed her neck and temple. "Thank you for being so good about this. I'm sorry you can't come with us."

"Hey, it's okay. I don't even know much about fighting anyway." She stroked my arms lightly with her fingers. "Go get ready, I'll be here."

I didn't want to leave her, but I‌ got up anyway and left the lab. We only had an hour until we had to go kick some Kraang butt.

The Bravery in his Eyes - A TMNT Leo X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now