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Jimin cried out as he was quite literally picked up by Hoseok, and thrown down into a dark, empty classroom.

Suga laughed and walked over to Jimin, who painfully hoisted himself up and onto his knees.

Jimin held his hands up in defense, breathing heavily.

"Please...don't hurt me." He pleaded, but Suga simply smiled.

He took one step closer, making it so Jimin's face was perilously close to his no no square.

He took a finger and put it up to Jimin's lips.

"Don't talk. You're ruining this for me."

Jimin looked up at Suga, who towered over him in this position.

Suga looked down into Jimin's terrified eyes, and smiled.

He put his hand on Jimin's face, gently caressing his right cheek.

He then he gripped his chin, lightly turning his head side to side.

Jimin closed his eyes, as a steady stream of tears dropped from them.

Suga wiped them away with his thumb.

"It's okay. Don't cry."

Jimin hiccuped, and breathed in a long, labored breath that made his throat scream.

"Look at me." Suga whispered softly.

Jimin looked down at his knees in both fear, and retaliation, but yelped loudly when Suga grabbed a sudden fistful of his hair.

"I fucking told you to look at me, Jimin. You need to listen when people tell you to do something, especially if they're your hyung."

Suga forced Jimin's head up by his hair, making it impossible for him to look anywhere else but into his eyes.

He eyed the younger up and down, looking at him like he was prey.

"You look so pretty from this angle." He bit his lip.

"It's a shame this isn't under different circumstances."

Jimin's eyes widened, as he felt a sudden, forceful punch to his jaw, knocking him all the way backwards.

He struggled to breathe as his mouth filled with blood.

He rolled on the floor, groaning; every single part of his body felt like it was on fire.

Hoseok and Suga squatted down next to Jimin as he rolled on the floor.

Suga shook his right hand rapidly, hissing softly.

"Yikes. That hurt my hand a lot, dongsaeng. Is your face made of metal?"

Jimin spit blood out onto his own jacket.

Hoseok chuckled.

"What an interesting fashion choice."

Yoongi laughed, and pat Jimin's chest as he and Hoseok stood up.

"Well, we'll be off now, pal. We'll leave you to think about how your actions have consequences. Don't you even think of leaving this room, do you understand? We'll know if you do, and there will be severe repercussions."

The authority in Yoongi's voice sent a chill down Jimin's spine.

"See you after school!" Hoseok laughed.

Yoongi and Hoseok left Jimin a bloody, crying mess on the floor.

Taehyung took a long drag from the bong, and closed his eyes as the smoke filled his throat and lungs. He blew it all out, and shivered.

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