Chapter 30: Yibo's POV

Start from the beginning

"Me!? But what did I do?" I asked him and waited for an answer. 'He is upset with me?'

>You had fun without me!<

"Why do you think so?" I was confused.

>You laughed without me! I was waiting for you but you ignored me and had fun with your friend!<

'Laughing? Friend? Ah... he means Ji Li.... wait ....'  I thought and smiled at him.

"You waited for me? Did you miss me?" I asked him happily.

>Not telling!<

"I am sorry, Zhan. I didn't know you were there. Ji Li is my friend and we laughed about our class teacher. Not about you. I swear. Please forgive me."

>You never laughed so much when you were with me. You don't need me.<

I pulled the blanket away and turned Zhan to face me. He really looked upset so I laid next to him and hugged him.

"I am sorry. I really am. Of course I need you. You are... dear to me. I didn't intend to ignore you. I will grant you a wish, okay? You can wish anything you want but please don't be upset anymore. Please forgive me." I pleaded with him. For a while he didn't write anymore as if he thinks about my offer so I waited. 'Please Zhan, I cant stand the fact you are upset with me'

>If you promise me to never ignore me anymore I will forgive you. Promise me you will tell me every evening what happened during the day. I will listen to all your stories. I want to laugh with you. And you grant me a wish.<  he wrote and waited for my answer.

"I promise. I will never ignore you. We will sit together and I will tell you everything what happened to me in the day. We will laugh and even cry together and I will grant you a wish. Thank you for forgiving me" I said and hugged him tight. Soon I felt Zhan's arms wrapping around my waist and hugging me back. I smiled and kissed him on his forehead.

"You too, Zhan. Promise me you will tell me your stories too. For example what happened today." I asked of him and felt him nodding in my chest. I chuckled. "Sorry but I don't understand what that means" I teased him.

Zhan looked at me, pouted and wrote down his answer.

>I promise I will tell you every day what happened. Without missing one day.<

I smiled at him while ruffling trough his hair. "But Zhan, you didn't answer my question earlier..."

He looked at me in confusion. 

"I asked you if you missed me. Did you?" I repeated my my question and saw his face turning red. 'How cute... wait ... do I look like that too when I blush?'  I chuckled and shook my head in embarrassment. Just then Zhan showed me his answer.


"Hm? Yes what, Zhan?" I asked him teasingly

>I missed you<

Then he hid under the blanket again. 'Zhan... missed me? He missed me?'  I felt so happy hearing this that I almost cried.

"I missed you too, Zhan" I said smiling and pulled him together with the blanket to me.

Then we laid there without saying anything till someone knocked on the door. Soon Brother came inside and looked at us in amusement.

"When you forgave each other come down. Dinner is ready" he said and left again.

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