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"Why is it snowing, Grandma? Where does it come from?" A little brown haired girl asked as her grandma layed her to bed

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"Why is it snowing, Grandma? Where does it come from?" A little brown haired girl asked as her grandma layed her to bed. "Oh, that's a long story, sweetheart" she replied, making sure she's covered enough. It was very cold night. "I wanna hear" the girl said. "Not tonight. Go to sleep" Grandma rejected, but that little brunette was way stubborn "I'm not sleepy. Tell me, please." Elder woman gave her a long look, but then sighed with smile "Well, all right. Let's see...I guess it would have to start with scissors!" Girl raised her eyebrows "Scissors?" She nodded "Well, there are all kinds of scissors. And once there was even a man who had scissors for hands!" The girl couldn't believe it. "You know the mansion on top of the mountain?" Grandma suddenly asked. "It's haunted" Granddaughter responded. "Well...A long time ago an inventor lived in that mansion. He made many things, I suppose. He also created a man" Grandma started "He gave him insides, a heart, a brain, everything. Well, almost everything. You see, the inventor was very old. He died before he got to finish the man he invented. So the man was left by himself, incomplete and all alone. His name was Edward." The girl waved her head "But did he never found anyone to care for him?" Grandma shooked her head "From all his differences, he still found a companian who wasn't scared of his scissors." Grandma added "A beautiful brunette of golden heart...just like you." The girl surpringly chuckled "What was her name?" Grandma softly smiled "Katie..."

"And that's all for today, don't forget to bring your homework on Monday!" Students grabbed their books and bags, running away from school to head for weekend fun. Well, there was a little exception. "Katie? Dear, why aren't you out already?" A female teacher asked as she saw one student still sitting. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Hill. But I'd like to look for some books to borrow on weekend" Gentle voice filled the air. "How could I forget! Wait here, I got something special for you" Mrs. Hill smiled, making her way out of classroom. Katie patiently stayed and excepted her teacher to return.

"Here is it" Mrs. Hill walked over, holding a huge book with lightly blue design "The Snow Queen, classic by Andersen." Katie excitingly smiled, studying it "Wow, thank you so much, Mrs. Hill! I love Andersen's story, specially Thumbelina." Mrs. Hill nodded "I know, he really got some stunning pieces. But this one going to be your favourite so far, it's based in winter, so much snow and magic. Exactly everything you love." Katie gratefully standed up, making a little bow "Words can't describe how much it means to me, Mrs. Hill. You're actually the only person I can ever share my interests with. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, my dear. I thank to you for paying such an attention in my classes. More students like you please!" she laughed. "Your classes are interesting, your library and knowledge makes our small corner of the world feel big" Katie warmly smiled. "I appreacite that. I would love to stay with you here and may read some of the book, but I should be going. You know family.." Mrs. Hill started, but Katie gently finished "I know, it's alright. Have a great weekend, Mrs. Hill." She little raised eyebrows from worry as Katie quickly packed her things and even threw the new book in these.

"And how's it going at home? Your mom lately offered me some of her newest lipsticks. Avon, is that, right?" Mrs. Hill asked, following Katie out. "Oh, yes. She sells exquisite new line of softer colours, in shadows, blushes and lipstick. Simply everything you need to accent and highlight your changing look" Katie explained, repeating her mother's words she was saying to each costumer. "She doesn't like to read? She seems very nice and loving" Mrs. Hill commented. "She is extremely loving and caring, of course. So is dad. But...they're just busy in their own ways and books are waste of time for them" Katie responded with smaller disappoint in her voice.

"Katie, you're very smart and incredibly humble, sweet young lady. Don't listen to others, when you admire something. I was so much like you, when I was your age. Head in clouds with tons of books in arms and look at me now. I found people who share same passion as I and they become my family" Mrs. Hill said, stroking Katie's shoulder "Trust me, there is someone who needs you same as you need them. It just needs time. You're only 16, whole life is before you. Just be patient." Katie listened to her properly, these words were way precious, but deep down she was worried these are the simple quotes whoever says to you when you're feeling down.

"I know, Mrs. Hill. Anyway thank you" Katie said after all. "Good, I hope you'll enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday" she said and Katie nodded, heading her way outside. As soon as she was on road, she grabbed the book from her bag and gladly transformed herself in the world of own imagination. Her long brown hair were flying as the wind was messing around, but she was too into the book, that she absolutely didn't minded. You would say she is the typical brunette, but her speciality were two lightly ocean eyes. They were the lightest, yet deepest. Whoever made contact with them, it felt like a fever dream.

She was so pure and beautiful, yet that made her so different. In town, where make-up ruled, natural beauty had no place. In town, where gossips were on daily regime, kindness of teenage girl looked strange. That's why Katie preferred being a character of her books, rather than facing the reality, she didn't liked and specially didn't belonged in. Her gold heart and innocent soul was just too good to be accepted by others. Most of people would find a peace in family, what was fortunately Katie's case. Well, little bit. She was the middle child, what can be taken as that ignored one. Sometimes it was truth, sometimes not. Katie get along better with her little brother Kevin.

Although he wasn't into books as Katie, he adored comics. They could spend hours by reading them and then playing around as their favourite characters. Katie had so much of fun with him, but she couldn't say that about her older sister. Kim. She was the typical high school blonde, popular gal with handsome boyfriend and tons of friends. At least that's how Katie saw it. She loved Kim and was certain she does as well, just her way. Kim was often gone, so they had not really enough of time getting along that well as Katie did with Kevin.

Currently, Kim was somewhere camping with her boyfriend Jim and bunch of their friends, so Katie could remove few of her shelves of books in her room, before her own one get fixed. Katie's dad, Bill, had a little accident, when he was trying cut out the tree from garden, but instead send it right on side of their house, where was Katie's room. It was fixed soon, but there was still some need of change anyway. Katie was too modest to complain on anything, after all, she get as an apology entire book triology of Lord of the Rings. Although her parents weren't any bookworms as their middle daughter, they were happy seeing her to have some hobby. It was clearly better than all the Kevin's videogames and Kim's travelling.

Katie was so fascinated by her new book, that she almost walked to different street than where her home was. She was in love with the story of Gerda and Kai too much. She loved the power of Gerda against the evil Snow Queen, how she proved that friendship can be permanent and last forever. How much she wished to find friendship like this in someone. But she was acceptable to understand, that this small town may not have that offer. She have to keep on searching anyway, nobody knows when miracles can happen. And as she reached home, she would never ever imagine which kind of miracle going to reach her in there soon.

Hello everyone, welcome to the first chapter! Yay! I'm so excited for this story, I recently rewatched the movie to get the right muse and I can say it works and I'm feeling really inspired to write. I know for many this movie does not represent Christmas theme, but I can't imagine my Christmas without watching it, so that's why I dedicated to have it in my trio of holidays books. And I can say my girl Katie will steal your hearts, she's such a sweetheart, isn't she? Wait, when Edward appears! For now thank you so much for reading and I'm sorry for all my grammar mistakes. Sending much love and see you in comments

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