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Lucifer awoke with a splitting headache, groaning as he trudged out of bed and to the bathroom, grabbing the bottle of Tylenol. He headed back to his bed, looking over at the sleeping figure, sprawled out across the bed.

Y/n had been staying with Lucifer ever since they started officially dating, and every time after a late night case, The two males always wound up at either one's place and woke up together, only to repeat it the next day. 

Lucifer sneezed as he lost his footing and stumbled onto the large bed, his head filled with the feeling of dizziness. Y/n's eyes fluttered open as he caught sight of the other male falling against the bad. "Mmm... Luci, are you okay?" The fallen angel hummed, sitting himself up. "Yes, I'm alright, dear. Just, dizzy." 

Y/n sat up, yawning and stretching his arms upwards, pressing a short kiss against the devil's cheek. "Geez, your face is really hot, Are you feeling okay?" The male in question nodded softly. "Yes, just dizzy is all. A little headache, but nothing I can't handle." The h/c haired male sighed softly. "I wasn't too rough last night, was I?" Lucifer quickly shook his head. "Oh, no, definitely not. I really enjoyed it, we're keeping it for the future, by the way." Y/n chuckled softly, a proud smirk playing on his lips.

"You've probably come down with a fever, I'll make you some soup, and you just stay in bed and relax. I'll take care of work today." Lucifer huffed like a child. "Love, i'm not sick. I don't get sick." Following his words, the fallen angel let out a sneeze followed by a cough. 

Y/n rolled his eyes at the devil's childishness. "Sure, kitten," pressing a kiss to Lucifer's head, Y/n continued. "Lay back, I'm gonna go make you some food and get you some water." Before the angel could retort with a snarky remark, he sat back, waiting for his lover to return. 

Minutes later, Y/n walked into the room, holding a bowl filled with steaming soup, and a large glass of water. He placed the food and drink on Lucifer's side table, seeing the other turn over, facing the standing male. "Eat up, Luci, you need it." The other male pouted like a child, not wanting to admit that he was sick. "C'mon, kitten. It's only a fever, you can be back at work tomorrow if you just rest up and listen to me."

Lucifer groaned. "I can still work!"

"You're too sick. Just stay here and rest," Y/n urged.

"The cases need me! I'm okay; I can go," Lucifer responds, sitting up in bed.

Y/n gently pushed his partner back down and pulled the blankets onto him. "The cases will get on just fine without you. Just concentrate on getting better."

"But who's going to save your ass when you get in trouble?"

"I won't get into trouble," Y/n rolled his eyes once again. "as long as I'm focused, and if I know you're safe here, I'll be able to focus."

Lucifer pouted, but Y/n crossed his arms and didn't budge. 

"Besides, once the cases are dealt with, we should celebrate, and I think you'll want to be in good condition for that," Y/n continued, smirking.

Lucifer blushed, the heat in his cheeks rivaling that of his fever, and didn't protest. 

Y/n smiled, pressing a kiss to Lucifer's forehead. "Good kitty," Y/n cleared his throat. "Now, I'm gonna go get ready for work, you stay here and rest up. I'll let Maze know you're staying here." The sick male just nodded, biting the inside of his cheek, his mind coming with lots of things the two males could do once Y/n returns. 

The taller of the two backed off, turning on the TV for his partner, handing him the remote. "I'm gonna go shower, call me if you need anything." Lucifer took the remote in his hand, mindlessly scrolling through the channels, hearing his lover walk off and into the bathroom. 

About half an hour later, Y/n sat on the bed, dressed in uniform, pressing loving kisses to Lucifer's face. Lucifer smiled and let out a few rare giggles, blushing lightly, pushing on his lover's chest. "Okay, okay, you should go now." 

Y/n nodded, standing. "Alright then, I'll be back soon, I love you" The taller left with one last kiss, Lucifer smiling as he watched the other head towards the elevator. "I love you too!" The taller flashed in infamous grin, walking into the elevator as the doors opened, closing soon after.

Lucifer got impatient and around lunch time decided to call Y/n. 

The other male answered, sounding out of breath. "Hey, Luci, What's up?" Lucifer paused for a moment. "Are you alright?" The other chuckled. "Yeah, Ella's just been dragging me around the scene, she's excited about all of the stuff we got," Y/n seemed to distance himself from the others so he could talk in private. "Anyways, is everything alright, Baby?" 

Lucifer seemed to act out of character and huff like a child. "That's no fair. I wish I could be there, or at least... you be here." Y/n laughed lowly. "Is my Luci missing me?" The shorter made a small "Mhm," noise. 

"Or is it that you're impatient for me to get back?" The line went silent as Lucifer's face erupted into a dark blush. He wouldn't admit it to anybody, but Y/n seemed to bring this soft, submissive side out of him.

"Aha, that's totally it, isn't it?" Lucifer refused to spoke. "C'mon baby, use your words." 

"...No, I just miss you, that's all." Y/n laughed once more. "Sure, kitty. I'll be home in about an hour, give or take." Lucifer frowned. "Okayy..." He dragged out the 'y' to get his point across. 

"It'll be worth the wait, I promise, Luci," Lucifer heard Ella call out to Y/n to which he quickly said goodbye and hung up.

Lucifer sat in the large bed, phone in hand as he stared at the small tent forming in his boxers. No matter what he did. Y/n always managed to make Lucifer like this.

Y/n needed to get home,and soon.

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