Mandatory Affection

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Requested by myCitrusCity



Y/n sat silently in his small apartment, his legs dangling off the small island stool he sat on. Y/n felt a lot worse these past days and he knew exactly why. Ever since he got his top surgery, everything felt so surreal and different. Although things seemed to be looking up for him, his mental health plummeted. With every up, came a down. This time, it hit Y/n hard. He sat in complete silence, his dysphoria getting to him.

Thankfully, Y/n's lover had already planned everything out and how he would cheer up Y/n.

Y/n decided to finally get up, his cat ran up to him, rubbing against his legs, purring softly. Y/n bent down as he pet the fluffy animal, smiling softly. Y/n felt his phone vibrate, pulling it out of his pocket as his smile grew wider. The phone screen read that Y/n got a text message from his partner stating that the other will be there shortly and to prepare for cuddles and a movie marathon.

A smile giggle left Y/n's lips as he tucked his phone away, standing up and making his way towards the small bathroom. While getting undressed, Y/n glanced at himself in the small mirror, frowning at the large scars that were quite prominent on his chest. Although his healing time had been long ago, he still felt like it just happened. Closing his eyes tightly, tears threatened to spill out. Eventually the dams broke and Y/n sobbed out, his dysphoria getting to him.

The male slid down the wall and he sobbed into his hands, his thoughts running wild as his sobs grew louder. Eventually a knock was heard on Y/n's apartment door. The male stood, wiping his eyes as he threw on his baggy shirt, covering himself as he exited the bathroom, taking a deep breath as he approached the door, opening it and looking up. Meeting Lucifer's Hazel orbs, Y/n gulped as he plastered a fake smile on his lips. Before the smaller male could speak up, Lucifer grew concerned as he let himself in, closing the door behind him.

"Love, you've been crying, haven't you..?" Lucifer spoke softly as to not disturb the quiet aura. Y/n's smile faded as he sighed, looking down at his socked feet, shrugging. "I..have..I just, I dunno, everything is catching up to me from my recent surgery, but I still feel off, I don't feel right, and I don't believe I ever will.." The taller male placed down the few plastic bags he was carrying, making his way closer to Y/n, embracing the male in a tight, comforting hug.

Y/n sighed shakily, holding in his sobs. Leaning into his chest, Y/n closed his eyes as Lucifer's sweet scent filled Y/n's senses, distracting him from the current thoughts flowing through his head.

Lucifer let his hand wander to Y/n's H/L H/C locks, running his finger through the other's hair, comforting him as much as possible. "Y/n, don't you ever listen to what your head tells you. You are male, no matter what happens or how your body changes. You always have and always will be male. You're my boyfriend, and I love you for you. I could care less about who you were born as, or who you were as a child. What matters is right now, you are Y/n, my love, my boyfriend, and one of the strongest, most handsome man I know."

Y/n smiled at Lucifer's words. No matter what happened, Lucifer would be by Y/n's side and help him through whatever he was suffering with.

The shorter male looked up, cupping the older's cheeks, pulling him down for a soft kiss. Lucifer pulled the smaller male closer, pouring out all his love into this one, single kiss. Pulling away for air, Y/n's E/c orbs met Lucifer's once again, the two smiling as they enjoyed the comfortable silence.

Y/n leaned up, pecking Lucifer's lips once again, his smile growing. "I was promised cuddles and a movie marathon" Y/n started. "So. let's get that started, I need cuddles from my Luci~" Lucifer laughed lightly, kissing the top of Y/n's head, smiling along with the younger male.


Y/n sat in Lucifer's lap, nuzzling his head into the crook of the fallen angel's neck. Lucifer played with Y/n's soft locks, stealing small kisses here and there. A movie played on in the background, but neither man could care for. They had each other and that's all they needed.

Y/n spoke softly as he cuddled further into Lucifer's chest. "Can you stay the night..? I don't wanna be alone, and your cuddles will help me sleep better." Lucifer thought on it for a moment, nodding softly. "I Can stay, Love. Anything for you." Y/n let out a soft giggle, sitting up as he looked the other in the eyes. Lucifer let out a soft chuckle, fixing Y/n's messy hair.

Y/n laughed along, stealing a quick peck from the fallen angel as his tan fingers worked on Y/n's hair, making the smaller yawn softly. Putting his face back into it's rightful place on Lucifer's shoulder, Y/n let his eyes flutter shut, holding onto the devil.

"Y/n, Love, if you're tired, let's go get you changed and into bed" Y/n groaned but complied, making his way to his room, Lucifer staying behind to clean up and turn everything off, following behind Y/n soon after.


Crawling into bed, Y/n turned onto his stomach, lying on the side furthest from the door. Lucifer eventually crawled in beside Y/n, turning on his side to admire the younger male. Smiling at the devil, Y/n shifted so her was curled up in Lucifer's arms, the duvet covering their bodies.

Lucifer placed small kisses on top Y/n's head along with on his forehead, telling him a story of his most recent case. Yawning softly, Y/n's eyes fluttered shut once again, him slowly falling to sleep. Lucifer finished his story, looking down as the sleeping male in his arms.

Lucifer chuckled to himself as he pulled the smaller closer, kissing the tip of his nose. "Y/n," He spoke softly. "I love you so much, you're handsome and perfect in every way, shape, and form just as you are. Goodnight, my love." Lucifer flipped off the small bed side table, cuddling closer to Y/n, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Unbeknownst to Lucifer, Y/n had heard what he said, a smile tugging on the male's lips as he nuzzled into Lucifer's chest, sighing deeply, drifting off to sleep himself.

I Wrote this instead of writing my Essay for history class, so i hope you enjoyed. Anywho, I should go finish my essay before I get a 0 in that class.


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