The City of Ember

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Based on the City of Ember book series by Jeanne DuPrau. Themes from the first and second books will be prominent. 

Description of the Series: Many hundreds of years ago, the city of Ember was created by the Builders to contain everything needed for human survival. It worked...but now the storerooms are almost out of food, crops are blighted, corruption is spreading through the city and worst of all—the lights are failing. Soon Ember could be engulfed by darkness...

But when two children, Lina and Doon, discover fragments of an ancient parchment, they begin to wonder if there could be a way out of Ember.

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   (Y/n) hummed softly to himself as he did his messenger rounds. Years ago, when he picked his career, the (e/c) eyed male was ecstatic. Running around and conversating with fellow Emberties was something (y/n) never minded doing. 

While making his rounds, the lights of the city flickered and went out, leaving the colony in complete darkness. (Y/n)'s breath caught in his throat as his hands shook in fear. The male was fearless, save for the darkness of course. Moments later, a familiar hum was heard all throughout the city and the lights turned back on. The city returned to its glowing yellow state. 

While sitting at his post, awaiting his shift end, (y/n) caught a glimpse of a small girl. She was a new recruit and (y/n) was told her name was Lina. The girl scurried across the streets like she was running to meet someone. (Y/n) stood from the small wooden bench and called out to the girl, curious about her motivations. "Hey, Lina!"

The brown-haired girl turned her head before she took off, leaving the curious male in her tracks. (Y/n) decided to follow after the girl, although he stayed hidden as to not disturb the girl. The small girl made her way into the pipeworks and the (e/c) eyed male followed her inside, questioning why she would need to be down there. 

Turning a corner, the older male stopped himself as he noticed Lina talking to another small figure, presumably a friend of hers. (Y/n) couldn't quite make out what the two were discussing, but he watched as the two disappeared down a long, dark hall, their voices disappearing with them. 

The (e/c) eyed male looked around before following after them down the hall, his breath catching in his throat as he went further into the darkness. 

Pulling an emergency box of matches from his messenger bag, (y/n) lit the small object, and the small light revealed a large door that had been opened, and although it was hard to see, the male could make out weird looking shapes. Approaching one of the objects, a rotted colour revealed letters that read Boat

(Y/n) tilted his head in confusion. "" The male heard footsteps from far away, along with some voices. Not wanting to be caught by the workers, (y/n) quickly blew out his match and silently making his way back to the streets of Ember, making a mental note of returning to the room.

While packing his things, (y/n) came across an old book that was hidden deep in his closet. It was the male's favourite storybook from when he was young and when his older brother would read him stories of another world. Tucking the book into his bag, (y/n) smiled at the memories and continued to pack his necessities. 15 minutes until lights out, the (e/c) eyed male scurried into the streets of Ember, sneaking into the pipeworks before anyone noticed and headed back to the room filled with boats.

After lighting another match, the male stuffed his things in the boat and contemplated where he was going. Realizing the river flows downwards, and no one knows what's passed the drop. (Y/n) took a deep breath as he found a small boat lunch, bringing the boat into the water. (Y/n) got in the boat, taking a seat as his gaze was set on the rough water in front of him. "Well, you only live once..."

The male pushed the boat into the deeper water and the vehicle started moving with the water. (Y/n) held onto his things. He wouldn't admit it to save his life, but the poor male was scared of what was up ahead. The boat ride lasted a few hours, and the male yawned tiredly as his boat came to a stop and in front of him, was another long hall. 

Finding a box in the boat, (y/n) pulled out tall wax objects, seeing a small piece of instruction paper attached. After lighting the object and collecting his things, the male made his way down the hall.

Hours later, a bright light shone over top the male. The air was warm and welcoming. Turning his head, he realized he came out of a large hole in the ground. He gasped, and everything came together. The city of ember was underground, he lived his life underground. Looking around, (y/n) decided to find a good spot and lay down his things and rest. 

After eating and a long nap, (y/n) found himself staring up, seeing a deep blue with a bright white illuminating everything, along with smaller lights scattered all around him. (Y/n) decided he could admire his surroundings at a different time and packed his things, heading in a random direction.

A day later, the male approached a small town, brick houses standing tall, and people roaming the streets. While hypnotized by the sight in front of him, (y/n) bumped into someone else and quickly apologized. In front of him stood a tall, tan-skinned stranger who smiled softly. "Oh, that's no problem, stranger." (Y/n) stared at the taller male, interested in learning everything about this man.

"Hi, I'm not from here, I just came from my city, underground." The other male stood confused. "Uh, alright then. Why don't I bring you to the town hall, they can help you." (Y/n) nodded, blushing lightly at the stranger's kind words. "I'm Lucifer, by the way, and you are?" The (e/c) eyed male smiled. "(y/n)." Lucifer smiled kindly and winked as he led the way to the large building situated in the middle of the city.

"Well, (Y/n), welcome to Sparks."

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