Subtle Hints

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Requested by SuperWhoLock_AKF

Warning: NSFW, Top!Reader

Detective L/n wandered around the large precinct of the NYPD, saying goodbyes to his coworkers, a large bag slung over his shoulder and a small box of mementos in his hands. Y/n L/n was quite the big deal for the NYPD. He was the best detective on their team, that's kinda why he was leaving. Y/n was offered a better paying detective job for the LAPD, and he happily accepted. Detective work was something Y/n dreamed of ever since he was little, and having his dreams come true was the best thing possible for him.

While heading towards the elevator, a short male caught up to Y/n, sighing softly as he began to speak. "I'll miss ya, N/n(nickname). You were a pretty cool partner to work side by side with." Y/n pressed the elevator button as he chatted up a storm with his former partner. "Thanks, Kayden. You weren't too bad yourself" Y/n sent a friendly wink over to the smaller male, making a light blush spread across his cheeks. Kayden nodded as he cleared his throat, fixing his composure and the two stepped into the elevator, Y/n hitting the button for the parking garage, the doors closing in front of the two.

"Ya'know, Y/n" Kayden started up. "With that cool emotion manipulation power, you could probably go on to do some pretty awesome 'hero - ing' work of sorts!" Y/n let out a soft laugh. "I'm already a hero, i'm a detective; and that's pretty close to being a hero, I would say." Kayden laughed along. "I suppose so. But wouldn't you want to really figure someone out? Like, a Romantic partner..?" Y/n rolled his eyes playfully as the elevator dinged, signalling that they've arrived at their destination. "I really don't mind being single. I haven't found the right person either. But, i suppose if I really wanted them, I would use my powers." The taller male shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways. I had lots of fun working with you, and you've always got contact with me. I'll see ya around!". And just like that, Y/n stepped out of the elevator and began his new life.


After moving to LA and settling into his new job, Y/n began to notice a certain presence around the precinct, and he was quite interested. The detective began to work hard to figure out who this person was, and how he could get closer to them. After some (very quick) detective work, Y/n found out that the person that caught his eye was no other than the infamous Lucifer Morningstar - the owner of one of the most popular bars in America.

Once figuring out his schedule, Y/n had persuaded his boss to allow him have the same hours as a certain dark - haired male. Being a good detective, he took his job seriously. But, being able to spend time with a handsome, tan - skinned man came as a bonus.

Making his way to a crime scene, Y/n hummed along with a song playing on the radio. He pulled into the parking lot where police cars and scene investigation vehicles where parked. Turning off his car, Y/n stepped out, grabbing his dark aviator sunglasses, placing them over his eyes as he made his way towards the crime scene.

Approaching the scene, Y/n noticed a certain devil and let his eyes wander to the other's rear end, chewing on his bottom lip, enjoying the view. Averting his gaze, Y/n cleared his throat as he spoke, asking his fellow detectives questions about the incident.

On the other hand, Lucifer let his eyes wander to the man talking to the other detectives. He was slightly taller than the devil, but he had H/L H/C locks that he kept tidy, and striking E/C orbs that could be seen through his glasses. Lucifer smirked to himself as he watched the taller male, eyeing him up and down. Eventually, the devil persuaded himself to not get caught up in anything with this male. Although he was interested. Very interested.

Weeks passed and the two interacted very little, and it was slowly killing Y/n from the inside out. Y/n made sure he approached Lucifer when he was alone, taking a deep breath as he looked down slightly, flashing his flawless smile, talking to the shorter male. "Hey, Lucifer, right?" The dark - haired male perked up as he nodded. "Yes, that's me.. And you're detective L/n, correct?" Y/n grinned as he nodded. "Yeah, but you can call me Y/n. It's easier for the both of us." They shared a laugh and Lucifer decided to try something.

Lucifer x Male! Reader - One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt