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The idea for this chapter is credited to Lesbian-God (love that username btw)


Y/n wasn't acting like himself lately, and it was very obvious. The dark bags under his eyes, his constant mood swings, the oversleeping, his weight decreasing significantly, and everything else that comes with stress. Being a University professor brought on a lot of stress and anxiety for the man, and a certain fallen angel wasn't too happy with how his partner's job was taking a toll on him. Most evenings when he returned home, Lucifer would find his love wrapped in one of the devil's shirts, either on the couch or their shared bed, buried under binders full of paperwork, passed out, snoring lightly.

Although the signs were obvious, Y/n was stubborn, and never spoke up about his job; he continued to say that he was fine and that nothing had changed. Boy, did that upset Lucifer. He wanted what was best for his lover, but the pressures and stresses of his occupation were too much for him. Lucifer had offered on numerous occasions to help out his love with his work, but he always got the lecture that the younger man didn't need any help and that he was very capable of doing it on his own.

Tonight was like any other night, Lucifer returned home to find his lover wrapped in one of the devil's shirts, covered in paperwork. The older man sighed softly as he stepped out of the elevator, making his way over to the couch where his beloved boyfriend slept peacefully. Lucifer leaned over the couch, pressing a soft kiss to his lover's lips, speaking softly as he tried to wake him so he could shower and head to bed.

Y/n slowly awoke, smiling softly at the face in front of him. He reached up and cupped Lucifer's cheek softly, leaning up for another kiss. "Love," The older started. "Let's go get you showered up and into bed. It's Friday so all of this work can be figured out tomorrow, okay?" The younger sighed dejectedly. "I should get up and shower, but this does need to be done, Luci. I have over 100 tests to mark, and only two days to complete them all and everything needs to be done no-" the younger male was cut off from saying anything when his partner leaned down once again, kissing him to quiet him up. "Y/n, you need to stop overworking yourself. I'll help you shower, and we can go cuddle in bed if you'd like. But, I really wished you would talk to me about this.." Y/n knew he wasn't gonna win, so he sat up, letting out a quiet yawn, moving to organize all his papers into the respected areas.

Lucifer walked around to the other side of the couch, helping his partner up, scooping him into his arms, carrying him bridal style towards the bathroom. Y/n didn't mind the small action and was actually quite happy with the small, affectionate action.

Once getting into the bathroom, Lucifer helped his lover in undressing and even set the water for him, then left him to shower as he went and grabbed some clean clothes and a fresh, clean towel.

Lucifer wished that Y/n would speak up about his issues. He hated seeing his love stress over the smallest things and do damage to himself in the process. The devil agreed that his smaller boyfriend was independent, and he was very strong. But everyone has a limit, and Lucifer knew that better than anyone else. He cared for Y/n deeply, and hated seeing him under so much stress, and not the man Lucifer remembers meeting. He still loved him nonetheless, but work was a huge drag for the younger, and Lucifer wasn't happy with how his occupation was treating his beloved Y/n.


Once he was all cleaned and dressed in comfortable clothes, Y/n sat in bed as Lucifer made the male a cup of tea. Tea was always calming to Y/n, and in times when he was stressed out, Time with his lover and a cup of tea seemed to make things 10 times better.

Y/n was snapped out of his thoughts as Lucifer approached the room, walking over to the smaller male, handing him his cup. "Thank you" Y/n spoke softly, taking a sip of the hot beverage. Lucifer sat next to the male, reaching over and resting his hand on the other's leg as a sign of affection. "Love, please talk to me, I want to help you out with everything, I know it's hard on you, but I don't know how to help if you don't tell me."

Y/n plastered a fake smile on his face. "There's no need to worry about me, Luci. I'm fine."The two males bickered back and forth before Lucifer sighed, annoyed. He promised to not use his power on Y/n, but he had no other chance. He needed to help the male with everything, he didn't want to see his love suffer anymore.

After placing his cup down, Y/n's e/c orbs met the hazel orbs of his lover, the fallen angel starting up his powers. Looking deep into his eyes, Lucifer spoke in a soft tone. "What is it that you desire?" Y/n fallen under his love's power in the matter of mere seconds. "I... want to be the best. I want to show the world that I can do everything on time, and do it well. I don't want anyone to know that I'm weak.." Lucifer blinked, allowing the male across from him to process what happened.

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes; something he hasn't done in a long time. Lucifer pulled his love into a comforting hug as the younger began sobbing into the elder's shoulder. "I-it's so hard.." Y/n whimpered out, gripping onto the older male. "I know, love. And nothing is ever easy, but please let me help you with this.." Y/n sniffled, allowing himself to calm down before pulling away from the hug and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. The younger male nodded. "Okay.." he spoke. "I'll accept your help..". Lucifer smiled happily, pulling the male into his arms again. Kissing away his tears, Lucifer allowed himself to rub Y/n's back softly.

Leaning up, Y/n pressed a loving kiss to the devil's lips, letting the kiss linger for a minute. Pulling away, Y/n allowed himself to smile; a real smile.

"Thank you Luci..for everything" Lucifer kissed the top of his lover's head. "Anything for you, Love. you're important to me and I hate seeing you in such a terrible state." Y/n nodded, understanding.

The two males eventually curled up in bed together, Lucifer on his back with Y/n laying on his side, head resting on the older male's chest. Lucifer allowed his fingers to run through Y/n's soft H/c locks, watching whatever was on the tv at the time. Y/n snored softly beside the devil, a smile plastered on his lips.

Lucifer pressed a soft kiss to his lover's forehead, smiling happily. "Sleep well, Y/n. I love you"

Y/n could be stressed as hell one day, but Lucifer always knew how to make things better, something Y/n loved about the man. Yeah, the two were inseparable, and both of them wouldn't have it any other way.

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