Going Nuclear

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"Is this entire state uphill? Where are we anyways?" Murphy complained.

Currently we are somewhere in the woods of South Dakota. We had to abandon our new truck back there when it ran out of gas. After the Nebraska incident Murphy turned back to his normal, complaining, asshole self and quite frankly I like him better this way. At least when he's an asshole I know what to expect.

"According to this map we are in the Black Hills of South Dakota." Warren says as she looks at the map.

"I miss the truck." Cassandra complains.

"Yeah, well ,at least we're out of that damn horde." Warren counters.

"There's nothing to kill out here." Tommy complains and I shove him playfully with an eyeroll. We haven't talked about the kiss, but things have definitely changed between us. He is goofier around me and more cuddly.

"That's fine by me." Warren says.

"We need to find a place to make camp soon, my dogs are getting tired." Doc complains.

"Well there's supposed to be a little town nearby called Edgemont. I'll take a compass reading at this next ridge up here." Warren says. I can tell she is getting annoyed by all the complaining but she is trying not to show it.

"Can't we just take a break?" Doc asks and Warren rolls her eyes.

"A quick one." Warren says.

"Aren't we near Mt. Rushmore?" I ask and she looks at her map. "I've always wanted to see it."

"Well Den,a this is either your lucky day or your not so lucky day." Cassandra says. I turn to look at her confused when I notice what she is looking at. It's just like the Liberty Bell someone went and took red graffiti to Mt. Rushmore.

"Now who in the hell did that?" Warren asked.

"Some daredevil with a sick sense of humor." Doc says while shielding the sunlight out of his eyes.

"This is why we can't have nice things." Murphy says while scratching his head.

"It was probably the same jackass that tagged the Liberty Bell." Doc says disappointedly.

"I think it's awesome." I say in awe and Tommy smiles at me. I mean old white guys carved into a mountain is cool but when someone made them look like zombies it made it even better. Doc shoves me and Warren laughs.

"If I ever catch who did that, they're gonna get a whoopin'." Warren says. "Come on let's find that town. It's going to get dark soon."

Everyone turns to leave but I stay and admire the artwork for a little bit longer. Tommy notices my absence and pulls me after the rest of the group.

"Admit it, Columbus, you're lost." Murphy says annoyed a few hours later.

"Oh give it a rest, Murphy! Warren knows where she's going!" Doc exclaims before whispering to Warren, "You do know where you're going, right Warren?"

"Well we should have hit the town by now." Warren says and Murphy throws his hands up in exasperation.

"Calm down, Murphy. Columbus was lost when he discovered America." I say and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Yeah, and look how that turned out." Murphy counters and this time it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"Hey, check this out." Tommy says nudging me and nodding towards an open gate and a yellow truck.

"That's not a town." Murphy says annoyed.

"Yeah, well it's better than nothing." I say and we start towards the clearing.

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