Resurrection Z

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"So, what's the deal with you and 10k?" Mack asked me as we scout ahead of the group. Currently I think we are somewhere near Kansas or maybe Missouri but I'm not really sure.

"What?" I stutter caught off guard and he smirks.

"Come on everyone can see something is going on there. Murphy and Doc are even placing bets on you guys." He says and we turn to look at the pick up truck a little ways down the road. We stopped because again Murphy needed to pee. Everyone seems to be watching him which is kind of disturbing.

"Nothing is really going on." I say and he tips down his sunglasses looking unconvinced and I look away from him.

"The only person you're lying to is yourself and you guys were alone for like a month before we picked you guys up, you can't tell me nothing happened." He continues and I shrug.

"Nothing is going on, Mack. Besides I'm pretty sure he has a thing for Cassandra." I say while looking at the turck. I can see how Cassandra is not so subtly leaning against 10k's leg.

"Oh looks like someone's jealous." Mack says as we make our way back to the car.

"Ok, Mr.Hotshot how do you feel about your girlfriend having a stalker?" I ask referring to Citizen Z and Mack laughs. The last time I had talked to that guy he told me he was working on making profiles for our team. He seemed very interested in my documentation of the mission and in Addy.

"That nerd in the sky? Ha he's got nothing on me." He laughs and hops into the bed of the truck. I go and stand next to Garnett.

"So, why are we all standing around watching Murphy take a piss?" I ask while looking up at Garnett.

"We're discussing whether or not the vaccine Murphy got is zombie chemo." He says and Murphy turns around to look at us. "What do you think?"

"I think I've seen zombies that look better than him." I say quietly before looking at Doc, "Do you think we'll make it to California, Doc?"

"Maybe, if we haul ass." Doc says.

"If he goes zombie we might have to put him down." Garnet says.

"Dibs on piking him!" Me and Warren say at the same time. I look at her and she looks at me before we both laugh.

"Put that thing away, Dena." Garnett says to me with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and slide one of my axes back into its holster. "If he turns, piking him is the least of our problems."

"What?" Murphy asked, turning around.

"Come on pit stops over. Let's get moving." Garnett says. We all nod and Mack reaches down and helps me into the bed of the truck.

"Chivalrous aren't ya." Addy leans over and teases Mack quietly and we both laugh at him.

"Oh just trying to get a rise out of 10k." Mack says with a smirk winking at me and Addy laughs more. I look up and see 10k looking at me with a weird expression.

"I have a ginormous bladder sue me!" Murphy exclaimed as he made his way back to the truck.

Not long after we all get situated Warren starts driving us to Provincetown. Supposedly it is a resupply place of sorts that Hammond had marked on his map. Hammond I've been told is the guy who brought Murphy to Warren and Garnett. I've also been told that he was killed by a zombie baby in the high school that the group had picked up me and 10k outside of.

Garnett also recognized the name of the leader of Provincetown. He thinks it is one of his old National Guard buddies. Either way I don't care as long as they have food or water. We literally haven't eaten anything in nearly two days. Of course I've gone longer in this apocalypse without eating but still two days with no food is not comfortable.

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