Frackin Zombies

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We drive out of the city following a big army truck. When we get to the z bridge the big truck plows right through them. I stumble a bit as we bump over a z and 10 reaches out a hand to steady me.

Once we make it off of the bridge we drive for a little while longer until the big army truck in front of us starts to make a clicking noise. Sounds like they're out of gas. The pick up truck I am standing in starts to wobble slightly as if it has a flat tire so we all stop. Everyone gets out of their cars and I finally get a good look at everyone's faces.

The old man comes and gets a tire lift from the bed which I kindly hand to him.

"Heads up we got company." The blonde guy says coming around to the street side of the car.

I see everyone get their weapons ready and for some reason the girl in the sweatshirt with dark hair discreetly moves behind the pick up truck as if to hide. I narrow my eyes at her slightly when 10k nudges my side and gestures to the two guys on motorcycles headed towards us.

"That's right, keep rolling and we all live to see another day." The lady with a dark braid says as the guys drive past us. The first guy looks me up and down before winking so I give him a disgusted look and the second guy smirks when he sees the girl standing behind the truck with her back to him. Odd.

"Well that explains the pull to the left." The old man says after they get the tire off. There is a growling noise and it seems that one of the z's we ran over got stuck under the wheel.

"What are you waiting for? Kill it! Kill it!" Murphy exclaims turning away in fear.

"Oh let me! Let me!" I exclaim jumping out of the bed of the truck.

"It's all yours." The woman with the braid says and I grab my brass knuckles out of the side pocket of my backpack and put them on. Coming out of the side of the knuckles is a sharp knife which I use to pike the z. I smile triumphantly before skipping back to the bed of the truck.

"Lets move out." The man in the blue shirt with dark hair says. Everyone grabs their stuff from the vehicles before we proceed down the road, since the cars are out of gas.

"Even after all this. This is still beautiful." The woman with the braid says as we stop to look at the view of the city from across the river.

"Take a good look, we might not be back for a while." The man in the blue shirt says.

"So, long New York." The girl with the cool bat says while she holds up a camera.

"See ya in the next life." Murphy says sarcastically before walking away.

We continued down the road for a while. The lady with the braid talks to the man in the blue shirt up at the front. The girl with the baseball bat seems to be having a conversation with the blonde guy and the old man is talking to the other girl with dark hair.

"Do you think we can trust them?" I ask 10k quietly as we bring up the rear of the group.

"I mean what else are we gonna do? We were running out of supplies back in that old town. Plus now we at least have something to do." He says with a shrug and I nod.

Eventually we come across a parking lot full of cars so we pick through it in search of gas.

"So, what's your name, kids?" The old man asked us as he checked the car in between mine and 10k's.

"I'm Pasadena and that's Ten Thousand." I say as I yank the car door open.

"Those are not real names. That's a city and a number." He says and I shrug.

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