Heart Break

15 2 0

I flutter my eyes open and sit up,

Breathe in,

Breathe out,

All I can remember is loud noises and a huge blur.

I hold my head realizing my intense headache.

"Owwwww!" I groan falling back on a leather couch,

Where the heck am I?!

I see a boy with dark hair and green eyes peer around the corner.

He thinks I don't acknowledge his existence,

Our eyes meet.

"Jesse? Right?" I ask, of course already knowing the answer.

"Y-Yeah..." he looks the other way.

Quiet one huh?

I quickly start up a conversation,

I've always been the talkative type,

What pissed me off was he always would look at me, then at the ground, then at his hands, and repeat.

"Then I passed out..." I look out the enormous window.


He nods,

"You don't talk much do you?" I blurt out trying not to sound rude.

"No..." He replies quietly

"Okay do I annoy you or something? 'cause I've been running my mouth n u haven't said more the 3 words!"

"I-I...Im just....sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, I just thought maybe I annoyed you."

"No, you don't." he said softly


There was an awkward silence, I felt weird around him...

But in a good way!

I lay back and let out a large exhale of air.

I look up at the grayish ceiling.

I can't believe it,

I knew Hannah was going through a lot with WP but to nearly murder?

I don't know,

I, I don't think I can forgive her...

I glance at Jesse,

He's kinda hot

"I mean yeah that sounds a little harsh..." I hear Jesse spit out


"I mean, I don't think I could forgive her either."

My face turns bright red,

I didn't realize I was saying those things out loud!

"S-Sorry..." I stutter and bite my lip, "I-I'll go..."

I get up and walk towards the door,

When Jesse grabs my hand.

"WAIT! Uh...your...not healed yet..."

I break free from his grasp.

"No it's fine! I don't wanna bother you."

He grabs both my arms with his soft hands and steps closer

"You could never bother me." he whispers softly.

"Oh...okay!" I said a little too perkily.

"You can stay in the spare room upstairs!" he said, a little loud if I may add

I walk upstairs,

"You can stay here!" he gestures to a room with a red door.

The knob was green and came off instantly as soon as I touched it.

The knob started to glow brightly and floated up to my face.

"OH MY GLOB WHAT THE FRIGGIN FRIK FRAK IS THAT?!" Jesse screeches and jumps behind me as I pick it up.

There was a note on the knob which had now formed into more of an orb,

Dear Ava,

This should help.


I smile and grab the orb.

Help what? I wonder

"I-I wouldn't touch that!" Jesse stutters, quivering with absolute fear.

I giggle, he's so adorable.

The orb floats around me,

"AWESOME!" I exclaim and stick my tongue out at Jesse.

I look down at where the door knob had been.

It has now been replaced with an ordinary, bronze one.


I've been living with Jesse 2 weeks now and it's official,

We are together.

I was on the couch playing with my orb when Jesse announces he's going out to do some stuff.

"Okay, while your out get me some apple pie from tree trunks!" I yell

"Okay, babe." He smirks.

"Don't call me that!" I scold him and stick my tongue out.

I sit on the floor and screw around with the orb for a couple hours,

Then the door opens.

Jesse walks in grinning,

With Hannah behind him...

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