I Am The Goddess of the Universe

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(Hannah's wings)


After Ava left, I sigh. Why do I have to feel bad? She followed me and she shouldn't have.

Percy puts his ice cold hand on my shoulder. "It's not your fault."

I look toward the rest of Ooo. I shake Ava's face out of my head. "So, you're gonna show me my 'new power?'" I ask.

"Yes. Follow me." He holds out his hand. I take it and we teleport to the top of a mountain with color-changing, swirling skies and a bright white sun. Different symbols float around.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Glob World." Percy says blankly. "Here, you can learn your power."

I scan my surroundings.

Percy outstretches his hands. "Flower field." He says and the environment changes into a field with bright blue skies and a yellow sun. Flowers grow all around us.

"How did you-"

"Try it." He says.

"What am I supposed-"

"Do what you think you should."

I kneel down and stare down at a little daisy. I close my eyes and touch the flower with two fingers. It starts growing super tall and vines as thick as my arm with two foot thorns grow around it.

I step back and gasp. I touch a vine and it shrinks back.

"Make it storm." Percy points at the sky.

I face my palm to the sky and black clouds swirl around. It pours. Lightning dances across the sky and thunder shakes the ground.

I flick my wrist and a tornado forms.

Percy digs his claws into the dirt. "MAKE IT STOP!" He shouts.

I spread my fingers and the clouds disappear, revealing the sun, as if nothing happened.

After a few more tests, we return to the black mountain with the white sun and rainbow skies.

"I think you're ready." Percy whispers.

As if on cue, beams of light swirl around me in a tornado and tangle in my hair.

My hair grows longer, to my waist. And the ends turn white. Big, black badass dragon horns grow on the sides of my head and grow back, into a point. Some hair curls around the bottoms of them. Badass, black angel wings grow on my back. I grow about 5 inches taller (I was a shorty short...) and I grow more curves and stuff. The light disappears in my chest, just below my neck and leaves a tattoo of an angel symbol.

I'm about 5'10" now but I'm still shorter than Percy (who's 6'11")

"The universe sits upon your fingertips." Percy whispers and we teleport back to Ooo.

I fly around Ooo.

Flying with wings is way better!

I fly to the Water Kingdom and peek through WP's window. I see him pressing Ava against the wall, his hands traveling down her sides.

"Be my queen, Ava." He moans and leans in.


I fly through the window and shoot a fireball at WP. I stand about 6 inches taller than Ava. She barely recognizes me.

I grab her by her shirt and fly to her hut.

"Hannah?!" She asks.

I nod. "It's me! I...I'm the Goddess of the Universe!" I say. I actually feel really happy. I'm not faking.

She hugs me. "We should celebrate!" Sh cheers.

I step back. "I don't know Ava."

"Come on!!!" She begs.

I look away and blush. "..............Fine."

"YAAAAAYYY!" She jumps up and plants a kiss on my cheek. I slap her away.

"I gotta go. I still have a kingdom to rule." I fly to the Emo Kingdom.

"Vivianne, I'm back." I call.

She skips to me and gasps. "Your Majesty? Is that you?!"

"Yeah. I'm the Goddess of the Universe." I say as dignified as I can.

"Lovely!" She squeals.

I scowl at her and she scampers away.

I lay in bed. I see the painting from WP. It brings back so many bittersweet memories.

My eyes go red and I shoot ice spikes at it. I zap it and throw it out the window. It lands on the ground and breaks into pieces.

I fly out the window, my vision blurry from hot tears of blood.

I perch in a tree, my shirt ripped and barely covering my belly button, my jacket sleeves the only things remaining, and my skirt torn and barely covering my ass. I did grow 5 inches...

My wings are fanned out, ready to fly.

WP storms by. "Who are you and why did you break my window and burn me?!" He snaps.

I swiftly jump down. "Don't you mess with the girl who can make your kingdom obliterate to pieces with a lift of my finger. Or burn it to the ground. Or maybe even make it float into space, along with you and all your goddamn people." I hiss.

He stops. "Wait...Hannah?" He asks, his voice softening.

"Yeah. I'm the Goddess of the Universe, bitch." I growl.

He steps back. "Don't call me a bitch." He shouts.

"Pfft. Make me."

He scratches my face with his fishy claws and runs.

I fly up and shoot lightning at him. I nail his leg and he falls over.

I fly down. Blood streams from his leg.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" He cries.

Hatred builds up inside me. "Get up and leave." I kick him.

He struggles to get up and wobbles. 'You're a fucking monster." He whispers and hobbles away.


"No. This wasn't supposed to happen!" I cry.

I fly back to the mountain where I met Percy.

"PERCY!" I call, tears in my eyes

"Percy?" I call again.

I break down, sobbing.

A figure stands over me. I look up.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Percy, I'm a monster." I hug him and cry into his shoulder.

He hugs back. "No you're not. Not to me."

I break our hug and stare into his piercing green eyes as he stares into my silver ones. I blush.

"No. You don't think that. No one does." I look away.

"Well I do." He snaps. "I think you're awesome." He blushes.

"I-I-I...no." I hiss and fly away.

"Hannah, stop!" He grabs my ankle. I kick it away and keep flying.

I fly to Ava's hut.

"Oh hey." She says.

"So are we gonna have this party or what?" I say blankly.

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