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(At the top is Percy)


I wake up and stretch. I look out the window and see all of the Emo Kingdom surrounding my castle. They all laugh.

I march outside in my pajamas and growl. "What's going on here?"

"Hey look! It's the JACKASS!" A guy with green liberty spikes and two lip piercings shouts.

They all burst out laughing.

I feel my face go from baby blue to crimson red.

The words FREAK and JACKASS are painted everywhere!

I see a smeared green paw print and hiss.

I march up to my room and change into a light blue button-down, sea green pants, and a sea green coat with long coattails. I slip on some blue shoes.

I fix my Hawaiian blue hair and place my crown atop my head.

I run my hands down the sides of my ribs and feel my gills. Yes. I can breath underwater. I can control water. I'm part merman. Blah blah blah.

I ride a wave to the forest. I hop off and see Ian. His arm is around Ava and her head is on his shoulder. She kisses his cheek and nuzzles him. He puts his hand on her waist and they squish noses.

"AHEM! Don't mean to break up this future rape, but you VANDALIZED MY CASTLE."

"What makes you think it was me?" Ian acts innocent.

"Look, Wolfy. I know it was you." I snarl.

"Oh yeah?" Ian gets in my face.

"Back away." I order.

"No." He shoves me.

"I order you to back away!" I shove back.

"You order me?" He laughs. He punches me in the face.

Ava pulls him back and scolds him.

I brush myself off and wipe some blood from my lip. I walk back home.



I just wanna die. Maybe then people will be happy.

I walk to the woods my my kingdom and see Ava and Ian.

"Hannah! How are you feeling?" Ian grabs my arm.

"Fine." I growl and keep walking.

"Where are you going?" Ava asks.

"I don't know. Away. For a while." My feet lift off the ground and I slowly fly.

"Can we come?" She asks. Fuck, if she were a dog, she'd be an annoying little chihuahua. Ears always perked. Tail always wagging.

"No. I need to be alone. I'm having Vivianne rule until I get back."

I fly to...well, anywhere.


It's been six hours and the sun is setting. I take shelter on the top of a black mountain with fog swirling around.

I lay down.

I hear footsteps.

I look up and see nothing.

I shrug and close my eyes.

More footsteps. They grow closer. I'm too tired to fight.

"Hello?" The voice. I've heard it before. So young but mature. "Are you dead?"

I open my eyes. His hair is white and hangs in his piercing green eyes. He has fangs that come to a slight point. His skin is so pale. He has elfin ears.

"Uh hi." I say.

He kneels down so his eyes are equal to mine. He holds out his hand and his gentle fingertips reach toward my cheek. His claws brush my cheek. His cold fingertips make contact with my skin.

He quietly gasps and jerks his hand away. He's so beautifully creepy. Like a spider.

"Who are you?" I ask.

He whispers to himself and realizes I said something. "Oh. My name is Percy Grey." He says.

"I'm Hannah. I'm a gode-"

"I know. I felt it. You are Hannah Shade. Princess of the Emo Kingdom. Punk Goddess. You think of yourself as a mistake, but you have more power and greatness than you know of." He whispers as his fingers that draw a symbol in the rock. He looks at me. "I can show you your power."

"Okay." I smile.

He takes my hand in his and screams.

We're surrounded by green light.

When he silences, we're in a cave.

Did he just...teleport?

He hands me a black scroll and nods.

I open it and see a girl with dragon wings and large badass horns that grow on the sides of her head. Her hair grows around them. She's so beautiful. The pictures move. She changes into a dragon and sets fire to...the Water Kingdom? She changes back and takes the hand of a slender boy. Different symbols swirl around her and disappear inside her chest.

"Is" I whisper.

He nods.

"Is that good or bad?" I furrow my brow.

"Both." He smiles.

Wait. I remember this when I was about nine. The girl with the dragon wings. The dragon horns. The Goddess of Power.

I smile and spin in a circle.

Percy smiles. A giant rat with rabies scratches me.

Percy's eyes glow and his mouth opens wide. He raises his hand and the rat falls dead. Its soul enters his mouth and he returns to normal. "I'm the Spirit of Death you know."

I know I should be scared, but I'm not. I smile.

I like this deadly killing machine.

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