"haha, yea she's something else alright!" Leo chuckles.

I turn to walk to the vehicle were both Xavier and Linc are waiting for me. Its time to leave.
Slowly we begin to leave the property, driving through a pine forest my mind rolls through the events of the night. Holding Lena in my arms, her scent, the feel of her soft skin. I am off in my own thoughts then Linc slams his foot on the brake bringing the car to a complete stop. Before scalding him for his idiotic driving I quickly glance over his shoulder to see a wolf laying on the ground with 2 rogues standing over the top of it. The wolf is injured, and I can tell it is one of the pack members. Our sudden arrival spooks the rogues and they avert their attention to us.

We quickly exit the vehicle to offer assistance when almost out of nowhere a medium sized steel grey wolf rushes out of the thick forest into the clearing slamming its body into one of the rogues while reaching around to rip out its throat. As the rogue falls to the ground lifeless, blood spraying all over the road as the grey wolf rolls with speed into a tree. The second rogue focus' its attention onto the grey wolf and squares up to attack as the grey wolf regains footing and looks at us standing by the car. The most piercing blue green eyes look through me then turn to black.

"ITS HER, ITS LENA, ITS MATE." Hunter growls immediately screaming to get out and protect her.

I can tell Lena is hurt as she lowers herself into attack position and launches herself high in the air directly towards the rogue. I begin to run to her aid as her teeth sink into the rogues shoulder and she clamps down. They both fall to the ground hard with the impact knocking the air out of her. The rogue is dazed as it shakes and whimpers. Lena rushes up to her warrior laying on the ground and nudges him to wake up. As she keeps her gaze on her friend then on the rogue her friend awakes and stands limping back into the pine forest in the direction of the pack house.
Lena shifts to her human form standing naked in front of us as the rogue stands back up. I run to her to protect her as she turns and screams "STOP". I'm frozen in my tracks.

"Lena, please let me help you" I plead with her. I gaze over her body and can see a large cut on her arm and her shoulder has a large deep bruise forming. I notice a large wolf tattoo on her right-side leg that stretches over her butt cheek and almost down to her knee. She is absolutely beautiful.

"What's she doing" Nervously shouts Xavier.

"She's going to get killed" Linc shouts as he rushes to the left side of me.

I take off my jacket ready to shift to save her as I watch her and the rogue look each other down.

She takes one foot back to stand in the attack position then crouches down as the rogue begins to charge her. Its less then 2m away and I start running to her to push her out of the way fearing for her life. Xavier and Lincoln both hot on my heels ready to assist. Just as the rogue opens his mouth to bite her, she launches herself into the air grabbing the bottom of the rogues open snout. As they both hit the ground with Lena on top her hands now on the rogue's snout and jaw, she leans back digging her knee into the base of the neck as she rips the rogues head back and the jaw down.

We all stop dead in our tracks in pure shock at her skills. A quick yell and the rogues jaw rips off and lays dead in front of her. I stand in pure shock and adoration. My mate, she's a warrior herself.

"She's a bad ass". Pipes up Hunter now that he's finally taken a breath. "A grade A bad ass".

I find myself agreeing with him and take another step towards her to pick her up and give her my jacket when I hear Alpha Leo's absolute howl. Her attention turns to the direction of the howl and she stands, looks at me, smiles and turns to shift.

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