The Crown Prince's Concubine - 2.2

Start from the beginning

Cheng Bi Yu stomped down playfully twirling her hand in the water, "It's cold!-" she gasps retracting her hand from the freezing cold water.

Cheng Bi Yu stood to her feet turning away from the lake.

She jolts from the sudden notification.

[[Second male lead is here!]]

The hoffs of his horse could be heard as he followed by his guards entered the main gates of the Imperial Palace charging in.

Cheng Bi Yu during her walk had found out Li Zi Hao had to pass by her courtyard she cleverly thought of a plan.

Li Zi Hao and his men were charging fast towards her. Li Zi Hao's horse was riding deadly near to her. Because of the sudden vibration force

Cheng Bi Yu easily lost her footing and was about to fall back into the lake but Li Zi Hao's sharp phoenix eyes caught this.

Li Zi Hao caught Cheng Bi Yu by the waist and quickly hoisted her up on his horse stopping right at her courtyard entrance.

One of his guards helped her off the horse upon the supporting male lead's  instructions.

Li Zi Hao was the definition of a stallion in every sense of the word. His black silky hair was held up with his crown, he had sword like eyebrows, steel grey eyes which were often cold and lack emotion, a strong jawline and a muscular defined body. His dark blue dragon robe shouted his status.

Li Zi Hao jumped off his horse the frightened ground shaking beneath him. The hot-blooded youth folds
his hands behind his back standing dangerously close he narrows his eyes before he coldly, "Who are you?-"

Cheng Bi Yu gulped speechless. Li Zi Hao was a splitting image of her lover Fang Wen Yan in her past life.

Cheng Bi Yu frowned, she quickly asked the system,"System is it possible that the person before me is Fang Wen Yan?"

[[Yes. The soul in the second male lead is indeed Fang Wen Yan's but he will have no way remembering his past life and you]]

Li Zi Hao being the inpatient individual he is not hearing a reply from the woman he roughly grabs Cheng Bi Yu's chin tilting it up, "Let me ask again who are you?!-" Li Zi Hao barks his eyes dark.

Tears begin to weld up in her eyes and her voice cracks, "This servant's  name is Bao Chen Guangzhou your Highness's Concubine-"

Li Zi Hao grimaced, 'So this woman is my Concubine-'

The hot-blooded youth swiftly  retracted his hand as if her touch had scorched him.

Cheng Bi Yu was roughly pushed back from the force. She openly glares up at him. Soon two panic voices were  approaching Ah Lam and Ah Kum who have witnessed their Miss almost falling into the lake felt grief.

They both fell to their knees pleading, "Miss, Ah Lam and Ah kum are incompetent to serve Miss. Please punish us Miss!-"

Cheng Bi Yu frowned at the panicking girls. Most of the guards including Li Zi Hao himself who was not really keen on the girl's character thought Bao Chen Guangzhou would explode in a fit of rage punishing her servants.

But along with his men was appalled when his Concubine instead knelt down dirtying her hanfu high quality hanfu.

"You two lift your heads alright-" Cheng Bi Yu ordered and scolded "What did I tell you about bowing before me. Do you want to be punished?...."

Ah Lam rambled, "But Miss it was our fault Miss had almost fallen into the lake.........If we watched Miss more carefully then...."

"Be quiet-" Cheng Bi Yu placed her finger on Ah Lam's lips sealing them. This girl was just too cute Cheng Bi Yu's heart ached.

She then proclaims, "It was this Miss who was absent minded and did not pay attention to the approaching horses. You are not to blame. This Miss is at fault. So please rise off the ground it is very dirty-"

The two stood feet helping Cheng Bi Yu to stand up. Ah Kum gasps,"What is it Ah Kum?..." Cheng Bi Yu asked rather worriedly.

"Your hanfu Miss it's dirty," Ah Kum jolts all panicky.

Cheng Bi Yu lips displayed a toothy smile, "No need to get worked up I'll just wear another hanfu-"

Cheng Bi Y  turned back to Li Zi Hao and bowed to the youth, "Please excuse this servant. Chen Guangzhou ask that his Highness forgive this servant for what occured today. This servant will now take her leave-"

Many of the guards watch admirably  watched Bao Chen Guangzhou retreating figure but couldn't help the  bewilderment that displayed on their faces.

Any Noble woman especially those in the Imperial Palace would create a mountain out of this minor issue.  Even the calm and graceful Imperial Concubine Qing, the Emperor's favourite lady and The Crown Prince's Noble Consort Bao Hui Qing would have thrown a tantrum and punished their servants with a whipping.

So of course the guards were more than stunned that his Highness's unfavored Concubine was a calm as still water.

Something ticked in Li Zi Hao heart.

[[Second male lead affection points at -10%]]

Cheng Bi Yu was notified as soon as she stepped foot in her courtyard.

Cheng Bi Yu [...]

Cheng Bi Yu cursed, "Hubby why are you so stingy with points huh! Do you want this old lady to beat you up!" she rolls up her sleeves.



Li Zi Hao who was now in his courtyard sneezed twice 'Is someone cursing me?....' the youth immediately closed the window.

He sneezed again.

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