My Overbearing Ceo- 1.7

Start from the beginning

Lee Chao Xing came as well coyly  hiding the disgust in her eyes, "Congratulations big sister and big brother in-law, " Cheng  Bi Yu nodded "Thank you sister..."

Lee Chao Xing then outstretched her hand, "Big sister please accept this drink-" Cheng Bi Yu closely eyed the wine glass in her hand before confirming with the system "System had this been drugged?"

[[Yes Host. Female lead had a server slip a sedative inside the wine]]

Cheng Bi Yu accepts the wine,  "Thank you sister," Lee Chao Xing smirks her plan was in motion she had already hired men to do away with Lee Chang Ying once she was unconscious and out of sight.

When Cheng Bi Yu was about to bring the glass to her lips Lee Chao Xing cheered inside but then Cheng Bi Yu paused her movements bringing the glass back down slowly twirling the continent in the glass, "Where did sister get this wine?" Cheng Bi Yu asks, deliberately sounding curious.

Lee Chao Xing freezes, 'Does she know?' the female lead shakes her head collecting herself she obviously replies, "From one of the servers tray of course,"

A devilish smile plastered Cheng Bi Yu  lips, "I don't usually drink but since sister has offered it I must to commemorate this joyous occasion-" she deliberately slowly brought it to her lips.

Once again the female lead  smelled victory, 'Come hurry up and drink dear sister tonight I'm giving you a engagement gift you'll never forget,'

However before Cheng Bi Yu could drink the wine it had been taken from her hand and gulped down by Fang Wen Yan, the youth explains his actions, "My fiance doesn't drink wine she's  allergic,"

Lee Chao Xing at this time became deathly pale as she nervously sweats.

Cheng Bi Yu  [...]

Lee Chao Xing  [...]

System [[...]]

Fang Wen Yan suddenly brings his hand to his face, "That's weird," he squished his cheeks, his face was flushed red he then started to tug at his suit collar.

"What's wrong?-" Cheng Bi Yu asks the seemingly  flustered second male lead.

"I don't know. I feel so hot!" Fang Wen Yan exclaims wiping the sweat off his forehead. He pursed his lips, "Don't you feel hot?-" he asked unbuttoning his outer suit jacket.

Cheng Bi Yu shakes her head, "No..."

"System how strong is the drug? "

[[Answering Host, drug is very strong it has an effect of 99.5]]

"How long will it take to really  kick in?"

[[About five minutes]]

"How affected is he?"

[[Second male lead is affected 60%]]

"What's his endurance level?"

[[Endurance level is at 30%]]

Cheng Bi Yu quickly grabs Fang Wen Yan's hand "Brother Wen Yan come with me quick-" Cheng Bi Yu ushers him away over to Fang Jin Hai then instructed,  "Little brother-in-law please take Fang Wen Yan to his room I think he's ingested a drug-"

Fang Jin Hai shocked looks worriedly towards his feverish brother. He brings his palm to the older youths forehead, he retracted as if his hand had been scorched, "Shit! He's really hot..."

Fang Jin Hai nods, "Don't worry Sister-in-law I'll take care of him," he ushers his staggering brother upstairs.

Cheng Bi Yu hurriedly informed Master Fang of the incident the matriarch immediately dismissed the party but insisted that the Lee family stay behind.

The police were contacted. Fang Song Gu furious instructs, "Commissioner arrest that wretched girl this instant!" he scornfully pointed to Lee Chao Xing.

The Commissioner then instructed his officers who then roughly grabbed Lee Chao Xing "What is this? Let go of me! I didn't do anything! Let go!" The frail female lead struggled against their solid hold.

Lee Ran Long fumes,"What are you doing! Unhand my daughter!" He shouted at the officers then turned to Master Fang angrily pointing, "You!... On what grounds are you having my daughter arrested?!"

Fang Song Gu adjusted his suit his face turning a fuming red, "That vile woman!" he deliberately pointed at Lee Chao Xing, "She drugged the wine and attempted to give it to my daughter-in-law. It was a good thing Fang Wen Yan had ingested it instead. Or else Lee Chang Ying would have been in a vulnerable state making it easy for anyone to abuse her-"

Lee Chao Xing shouted proclaiming her innocence, "No I didn't do it! I'm innocent. I'm innocent! I didn't do it!-" In a split second a loud slap had echoed throughout the hall.

Lee Chao Xing cringes from the whiplash. Lee Rui Xing's palm had left a huge red imprint on her right cheek. Tears had weld up in her eyes "Mother, please believe me I'm innocent. I didn't -" another slap echoed.

Lee Rui Xing fumed furious, "Just shut up! Or I'll be tempted to slap you again," her voice dripped ice, "I've told you this already the apple doesn't fall far from the tree you're a schemer Lee Chao Xing, a white lotus just like your mother.

You can drop the whole innocent act now itself. The server you paid has already confessed and the men you hired to defile my daughter have been caught and have confessed as well that you are the mastermind behind this incident,"

"This old lady spits on you Lee Chao Xing. I spit on your mother. I spit on your father. I spit on your ancestors on your mother's side!" Lee Rui Xing  scrawled.

The Commissioner clears his throat, "Ke, ke," then immediately orders, "Men take her away!-" Lee Chao Xing fell to the floor flabbergasted.

How could everything she built up over the years crumble in just one night? "Daddy help me!....please don't let them take me! Don't let them take me!-" Lee Chao Xing bawled scrapping her nails on the european marbled floor as the officers dragged her out of the Fang Mansion.

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusWhere stories live. Discover now