golden bubbles

528 7 0

word count: 8570
tags: Plot What Plot, Porn Without Plot, Developing Relationship, Alcohol, Drunk Sex, Needy Min Yoongi, Suga, Public, Dry Humping, Clothed, Touch-Starved, Frottage, Touch-Starved Yoongi, Coming In Pants, Pet Names, Touching Over Clothes, Whiny Min Yoongi, SugaDom, Jung Hoseok, J-Hope, Champagne, New Year's Eve, Public Display of Affection, thigh riding
It’s not every day that Yoongi says no to hard liquor.

Unnecessarily frequent parties, work promotions, Friday nights, someone’s dog’s birthday, anything, really, any convenient reason and opportunity to drink slid just fine with him, satisfied him, even. Social drinking wasn’t quite his thing either, he saw no point in having a shot or a single glass of wine just to enjoy it, saw no point in it if it wasn’t the beginning of a process to get him shitfaced.

He liked drinking, really, and if he drank, he drank drank.

So yeah, it’s not every day that Yoongi says no to hard liquor.

But precisely because of that, he had to say no to it right on New Year’s Eve.

Because when Jimin and Jungkook dragged him out to drink the day before, claiming to only get a few drinks as a warmup for the New Year’s party, he was dumb enough to believe them and dumb enough to agree.

Fast forward to two hours later, with Yoongi hugging the toilet bowl, the eight Red Bull vodkas departing not so pleasantly, and with a fairly clear image of a hangover sketching in his mind.

It was this morning that he realized how badly he fucked up, and that his stomach is by no means ready for another lethal dose of alcohol such as the last one.

But who the fuck is he to go sober on New Year’s Eve, right?

“Listen,” Jimin drawled, pinching the root of his nose, standing by the kitchen counter beside a crate of alcohol bottles, “no one ever imagined you’d get folded the fuck up over a few vodkas-“

“They were not a few,” Yoongi interrupted him, looking askance, to which he earned a frown.

“So,” Jimin continued, “there is not a lot for you to choose from. If you don’t want hard-“

“I sure as hell don’t,” Yoongi interrupted Jimin again, this time a tut being an answer to him, before Jimin wearily went on again.

“If you don’t want hard,” he repeated, proceeding to gesture towards the crate, then looking back at Yoongi, “there’s always champagne. Like, a shitton of it. Of course, no one’s lame enough to only drink champagne on New Year’s, so it’s all yours.”

Lame?” Yoongi scoffed, unresponsive to the mocking smirk tugging at Jimin’s lips, “my liver could power your damn car.”

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