My Lab Partner

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From a Twitter thread (was originally yoonmin)
Word count; 8538
It's a raining evening when he first sees Yoongi. Hoseok's coming home from a friend's birthday party.

And Yoongi is on the street, rescuing abandoned kittens from a cardboard box, by - and Hoseok can't believe it - stuffing them in his jacket, cradling them like babies.

Hoseok makes brief eye contact with Yoongi, before the man waddles away, carrying a brood of baby animals safely in his arms. He looks strange like that, bomber jacket moving and distended, soft meows coming from his belly.

But Hoseok doesn't think much of it as he rushes home.

The next time Hoseok sees Yoongi - and he's only 85% sure it's the same person - is at the first basketball game of the season. The reason Hoseok isn't entirely sure it's the same man is because he's so different on the court.

Yoongi has a commanding presence as he barks orders.

Then he makes one of those picturesque last minute three pointers, winning the game. Could this really be the same person as the awkward cat-man who rescued kittens?

Hoseok's really not sure until Monday at his very first physics class, when he's assigned a lab partner.

Yoongi saunters over, "Hey, Hoseok right? Nice to meet you, I'm Min Yoongi."

Hoseok shakes his hand.
"Likewise! Oh and nice job at the game last night."

Yoongi beams at him, "It was a lucky shot. Honestly, I can't believe I made it myself."

"So..." Hoseok's almost afraid to ask, "How are the Kittens?"

Yoongi makes a confused face.
"Uh, the name of our team is The Tigers..."

Hoseok shakes his head. "No, I mean- the other day I saw you with kittens and you were-" he makes a gesture for 'stuffing them down your shirt'

"Y-You saw that!" He manages.

Hoseok nods. "Uh yeah, I happened to be walking by."

Yoongi makes a strange pouty face, "They're fine. I gave them to the animal shelter I volunteer at."

He- did this guy just walk out of a shojo manga?

"Oh, that's nice. I hope they get adopted!"

Hoseok and Yoongi exchange numbers, and agree to meet on Wednesday to study for the upcoming quiz.

Hoseok's not sure what to think of his new lab partner. He's really nice, and a bit strange, and also like stunning, drop-dead gorgeous. But like in a no-homo way.

Hoseok meets up with Yoongi at the café, which they scheduled at night. Yoongi's there, taking small sips of his coffee, and going to town with a highlighter in his textbook.

He looks up and smiles at Hoseok. And Hoseok's heart skips a beat, for no reason.

It's the night where Hoseok finds out that Yoongi is indeed, a little bit homo.

Yoongi's friend, Namjoon, walks up to them and takes a seat, sporting a wide, dimples grin.
"Hey hyung, who's this? Your new boyfriend? I can't believe you got over Kihyun so fast."

Yoongi frowns.

"Go away!" The point guard hisses. "I'm trying to study for physics right now. And this is Hoseok, he's not my boyfriend. He's my lab partner."

Namjoon nods, "sounds fake, but okay." And then runs away before Yoongi can get his hands on him.

Hoseok flushes. Is Yoongi gay?

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