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word count; 5594
There's nothing Yoongi spends more time doing at work than staring at Jung Hoseok's ass.

Yeah, he could be watching the patrons of the skating rink, making sure they're all being safe while they all skate around the oval floor. Alternatively, he could watch the way Hoseok's hips sashay to each side whenever he skates across the carpet to greet a customer at the skate desk. Or maybe how Hoseok's black skinny jeans compliment the curve of his ass just right.

Not for the first nor the last time that day, Yoongi's eyes have found solace in the little bit of skin that shows when Hoseok's shirt hikes up when he leans over the counter to talk to another coworker. It's barely anything, nobody else would catch it, but Yoongi can't stop fucking staring.

"Hey," there's a sharp slap on his shoulder, and Yoongi winces, turning back around to glare at his coworker behind him. "Stop staring at his ass and help me with these laces, huh? Do something useful with your hands other than jack-off in the bathroom."

Yoongi aims a punch at Namjoon, but his coworker just grabs his hands and forces a pair of skates into them.

"That was one time, okay?" Yoongi whines, fingers working magic over the tangled mess of laces some kid left them with. "You're the real perv between the two of us, 'Joonie."

"And why would that be?" Namjoon asked dryly, taking the skates from Yoongi's hands once the knot had been undone.

"Because you won't stop drooling over the guy who works at the pizza arcade across the street?"

Namjoon rolls his eyes back, but Yoongi can see the faint blush dusted across his cheeks.

"Okay, but Jin is really pretty though. And nice. And really good at cooking."

Yoongi mimes gagging.

Namjoon hits his shoulder again, softer this time. Yoongi pushes his hand away and grabs another pair of skates to put away on the shelves behind them. Despite wanting absolutely no details about 'how cute seokjin-hyung looks when he tries to play dance-dance-revolution', Yoongi does still care about his best friend's life and the people around him. So, he decides to pry.

"We get to clock out soon," Yoongi reminds him, "You gonna go meet up with him after?"

Namjoon's face flushed. "We may or may not be going to see the midnight showing of that new thriller...?" He mumbled, avoiding Yoongi's gaze.

His eyes widened. "Wait, seriously? You, Kim Namjoon, managed to score a date with an amazing guy and you didn't tell me?"

"Hey, I was too busy with my disbelief that he actually said yes. My first priority was not passing out."

Yoongi narrows his eyes. "And you made the first move?! Jesus, 'Joon it's like I don't even know you."

Namjoon makes a shrugging gesture, turning to adjust the straps on a pair of roller blades. "What are you doing after you clock out then?"

He rolls his eyes and leans back on the counter, heaving a sigh. "I don't know. Probably nothing."

"What, you're not gonna hope that Hoseok might bend you over the concessions counter after everyone's gone?"

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