seven year itch

466 5 0

word count; 3972
originally a namkook AO3 oneshot
•top!Hoseok       bottom!Yoongi
•i changed some of the "hyung" to daddy so daddy kink
•porn with plot
•teen romance
•teen angst (happy ending tho)
•drunk sex. consensual tho.
•Yoongi is Jin's brother in this
•brief mention if Yoongi having kissing a girl called Mina
•Hoseok and Jin are older than Yoongi in this by a few years


Yoongi has had a crush on his brother’s best friend, Hoseok since, probably forever. But it wasn’t until the night of his fourteenth birthday party. When Mina had him pushed up against the wall of a hidden hallway in Dave and Busters, that he realized that although he liked girls, liked them a lot, he liked Hoseok more.

The girl’s lips were soft and probing, and Yoongi liked the feel of them on his own, he opened his eyes mid-kiss curious to see if he could catch a glimpse of the girl’s expression. Only instead of seeing Mina's face, his eyes found Hoseok off in the distance laughing at something funny, his brother Jin has said. Suddenly Yoongi found himself wanting an entirely different set of lips on his.


At eighteen, the boy has had a healthy and quite active dating life, mostly due to his good looks, (which his brother swears he inherited from him), and his easy going personality. But Yoongi still pines, albeit silently, after the tall brunette.

Hoseok for his part had given Yoongi no reason whatsoever to believe that the pining will ever end. Yoongi holds out hope that being away at college is the cause, even if secretly he knows it’s not.

Today the boy is excited, his brother Jin is coming home from University on break, and where Jin is Hoseok is soon to follow, and the thought has Yoongi’s heart dancing in unabashed joy.

He burst through the front door of their home, excitedly looking for his brother.

“Hyung!” He is happy to see the older boy; the house feels strange without him there.

He embraces his older sibling in a crushing hug.

“Yah! You’re cutting off my circulation,” Jin whines.

“Sorry,” Yoongi takes a step back.

“I see you have gotten stronger Yoonie,” the older boy ruffles his hair.

Yoongi frowns at his coif being messed up.

“He’s gotten taller, too.” The deep base voice almost makes Yoongi go weak in the knees.


Yoongi knows he should turn around and greet the man correctly. But he wasn’t prepared to see him so soon, and he is not sure he can trust his legs to hold him up if he tries to move.

He is saved from moving when the older man comes to stand in front of him, handing his brother a bottle of water.

“What’s up golden boy?” Hoseok’s voice slicks around the words, and Yoongi is momentarily mesmerized by the man’s dimples.

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