good boy

597 7 0

word count: 3894
was originally a namkook AO3 oneshot
•age okay
•daddy!Hoseok                                little!Yoongi
•dirty talk
•daddy kink
•yoongi likes being praised and Hoseok likes that
Hoseok really wasn’t sure how it all started.

It was surreal whenever he let the reality of it sink into his head, let himself ponder over the past three months, coming to terms with just how much everything had changed.

It all came to be when the second oldest was too sick to perform on stage for their comeback, snot running down his reddened nose and puffy eyes looking up at Hoseok in such an innocent way it had left the younger temporarily speechless.

“But hobi, I- I don’t want to stay here. It’s not fair!”
He had watched Yoongi grab an already dirtied tissue from the pile that surrounded him on his bed, blowing his nose into it with a grimace and Hoseok had put on his serious face then, standing firm with his hyung even though it left him feeling just the smallest bit guilty.

“You’re sick, you’re staying here. How are you supposed to rap when you can barely talk?”
He wasn’t expecting an answer from the younger, and Yoongi didn’t provide him with one either. Instead a pout found its way onto his face - lips pursed and chapped -  arms crossing over his chest with a croaky ‘fine’ sighed into the room.

With a triumphant smile, clearly proud of himself for reasoning with the stubborn hyung, he bent over ruffling the disarray of raven locks.

“Be a good boy while we’re gone.”
If he had spent a second longer staring at the older, instead of turning around to leave the room, Hoseok would have seen coffee eyes light up with a certain spark, lips parted and a physical shiver to overcome Yoongi’s body, which was piled under a mountain of blankets.

Yoongi watched hobi leave, gaze burning a whole into the black sweater he wore until it was out of sight. His mind was foggy, partly due to the fever, but mostly from the way Hoseok’s words still rung in his ears.

Be a good boy.

Yoongi shivered again, plan already forming in his head.


When Hoseok arrived back at the dorm, five other sluggish bodies trailed behind him, along with Seokjin’s attempt to calm down a rowdy Jimin and Taehyung who were busy shoving each other aside, trying to make it to the shower first before the other.

Normally, Hoseok would be all for helping calm down the kids while Jungkook bailed and locked himself away in the bedroom where it was sort of quiet, but his main focus was Yoongi, who was sick and miserable in bed.

He knocked once, twice, before entering the bedroom that was shared by Yoongi and the oldest. What he found was enough to have a frown forming on his tired face, glare pointed at the older who was sat on the floor making new music on his laptop.

“What are you doing?”
Yoongi’s head turned to look up at an angry Hoseok, which was scary enough in itself, and he was really hoping his plan worked.

“I got bored.”
He quickly shut his laptop, the beat he’d been making the last thought on his mind, not when hoseok was strolling forward to grip his forearm, hauling him onto his feet.

Yoongi had actually forgotten how shitty he felt amidst coercing up this half-assed plan of his, so when he was suddenly standing, his head felt dizzy and the room was spinning. Hoseok seemed to notice the change in the older because his scowl was replaced with a look of concern, both hands gripping Yoongi’s arms to hold him upright.

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