We called my parents first via video chat. Baba was instantly mad about the missing groceries.

Baba: You paid for them, they should deliver it. They made the mistake, not you! Are people truly missing honor nowadays? Is that how they really conduct their business? Honey! Never shop there again.

Mama: Of course! I will not spend a cent of our money on that online shop again. (looking at me) Are you really okay now?

Me: (nodding) I took my medicine and it helped a lot. I calmed down fast. I also had milkshake. With chocolate chips.

Mama: (smiling) Milkshake makes everything good, right? Oh my son...I'm happy you get through that episode well...

Baba: And thank you for not keeping it from us this time. We are proud that you are being honest to us, Son.

Me: I just don't want that to add up to my sins to you both. (biting my lower lip) Does this mean you forgave us about the engagement thing?

Mama: (scrunching her nose) No. Stop pushing your luck, Feng Jian Yu. I am still upset about that. But I am happy that you are looking good after an episode like that.

Me: Okay. But tell me, you are softening already, right? You are closer now to forgiving us.

Mama rolled her eyes. Baba chuckled in amusement.

Baba: Yes. I think your Mama and I got closer to forgiving you.

Qing: That is good.

Me: Yeah, that's great. So tell me...how many more episodes do I need to have for you to fully forgive me.


The three of them shouted my name. Even Qing. All of them scowled at me as well.

Me: I'm just joking. (to Qing) That was a joke.

Qing: Not funny. You and your jokes are not funny.

Baba: True. Don't lose your day job, Son. You couldn't be a comedian.

I pouted at them. They chuckled at me. Mama and I talked for some time and she made sure I am fine. We said goodnight to them and I heard my parents telling me that they love me very much.

Then we called Qing's parents. Now, this set of parents has the same reaction as my parents but with different approach to the problem.

Mama: You should sue them.

Baba: Your Mama is right. They gave Dayu too much stress, enough for him to get an episode. We should ask for a compensation.

Mama: (thinking) But wait, Honey...suing them could be stressful to Dayu too. What if he got more episodes while we are suing that online shop?

Baba: Hmmmm...then what should we do? We cannot let them off the hook this easily. They almost put Dayu's life in danger. (sounding angry) Our son experienced difficulty in breathing!

Mama: Oh I am angry too! But I don't want Dayu to experience more stress and have more panic attack episodes. (finally looking at me) What do you want to do, Dayu ah? Should we sue them?

Me: (wincing) No. Please.

Qing: (irritated) I'm regretting our decision to call you. Dayu's parents were mad too but they didn't think of suing anyone. Goodness, can't you two react normally?

Me: (smacking his thigh) Why are you getting  angry? Mama and Baba are only thinking about me.

Mama: Dayu is right. We are only thinking about him. But you are right, suing won't do Dayu good in the long run. I will ruin that shop by telling my friends and comembers on our clubs not to shop there.

Baba: (clearing his throat) You should tell Auntie and JiJi too. They like buying things on that shop too. Who would have thought that they fleece people like this?

Qing: (groaning) Fine! Tell people not to shop there but never mention Dayu's episode to anyone. Do you understand?

Both Mama and Baba scowled at Qing.

Mama: Of course we won't tell anyone about that. That's a private family matter. We are not that stupid to let anyone on that, Wang Qing.

Baba: Tsk tsk. How did we raise a stupid son like him, I will never understand? (smiling at me) Dayu ah, are you sure you are feeling better now? Just tell us if you need anything and we will get it for you.

Mama: That is right. Stop grocery shopping online. Tell me if you need anything and I will send it there. Or if you want, we can do grocery shopping together.

Me: (nodding) I would love that, Mama. Thank you.

Mama: Come and eat here next week. Come and let me see you.

Qing: We will do that. Dayu and I will check our schedules to see what day we can go there to have a meal with you.

Baba: Do that. And take good care of Dayu. Stop working too hard and pay attention to each other. Money, you will have a lot of opportunity to earn it but if you miss a moment with your loved ones, that will be hard to get back.

Qing: I am paying attention to him.

Mama: Good. (smiling) We are happy that Dayu passed this episode well. We hope it won't happen again. I'm glad you two called us about this.

Me: We will not hide this anymore, Mama.

Mama: Thank you, Dayu ah. Stay well, okay?

Me: I will.

We said goodnight and I love you to Qing's parents. I will admit, talking to both set of parents exhausted me. So Qing close our home down and laid next to me. I stuck myself on his side and hug his arm on my chest.

Qing: (while we are waiting for sleep to visit us) Are you truly okay now?

Me: Yes.

Qing: Good. It must have surprised you. It sure shocked me. I almost forgot that you have panic attacks. The last one felt like a lifetime ago.

Me: True. I thought I have beaten it. I thought it won't happen again even though I kept the medicine on the secret flap of my shorts.

Most of my shorts and pants has secret flaps now where I kept a tablet of my calming medicine. I call it calming medicine instead of sedative. It sounds less scary than sedative.

Qing also carries a few of my tablets. Just in case I will have an episode, he can help me drink it. We are prepared for it. But we also turned relaxed because the last one was so long ago...back in January, before we got engaged for real.

Me: I hope this won't be a frequent occurence. I wish this will be an occasional thing. I wish it will go away completely.

Qing: I wish that too. But as long as it's here, you be careful not to stress yourself too much. And keep doing your breathing exercises.

Me: I will.

Qing moved sideways so he can hug me. I sighed while I am inside his embrace.

Qing: I love you, Dayu ah. I'm really proud of you today.

Me: I love you too. Thank you for staying by my side.

Qing: I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. By your side is where I want to stay, forever.

I smiled at his sweetness. I hugged Qing back and matched his breathing. I feel at peace with him beside me.

I feel like nothing can defeat me as long as he is close to me. Nothing can, nothing will...

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