chapter eight

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Right when Masky yelled you launched yourself at Slender. You leaned forward slightly to gain some speed. You then jumped in the air and was about to deliver a swift blow to slender's head with your foot when you were suddenly on the ground . You quickly recovered and got back up. A then you saw what has knocked you down. Slender has several black tentacles coming from his back, and every point of them was like a tiny blade. You charged again but this time you ran straight for Masky. Then tentacles followed you like you hoped and you did a quick side jump to get out of the way. The tentacles couldn't halt to a stop and almost hit Masky. You smiled as you had just found his weak spot. You ran towards slender now, and just before you got about two inches near him you fell to the ground. Once again you tried to recover from the fall but you had landed on a rock, which had hit your head. As blood dropped down your forehead you shakily stood. You quickly doged another tentacle and realized you can't be doing this forever. Your body was slowly draining energy, and it showed in your movements. The fun night wasn't that much help either.
You dunked under your opponent's tentacle and sprinted for the nearest tree. You quickly scrambled up the tree and almost made a happy shout. The tentcels weren't as small as you were, so they got stuck and tangled between the branches. You hopped down the tree and smirked, you jogged your way to slender and roundhouse kicked him in the stomach. Instead of falling down he just slightly swayed, and before you realized it he almost clawed out your stomach with his spider like claws.
A sicking crunch grabbed your attention. Slender broke the tree. As the tentecles raced towards you. You remembered that he had one weakness. His tentecles were like bulls, they couldn't turn a different direction fast. And right now you were standing right in front of slender. And you just stood there. The tentecles got hallway to you, and then a few inches. That is when you hopped away, and slender got impaled. You pumped your fist in the air as slender fell to the ground.
"Child, that was the first time in centuries I've been taking down." Slender groaned as he took out the tentecles from his chest. Block blood oozed our of his chest and into the grass. "How did you do it?"
"Everyone has a weakness with on skill, and yours was being like a bull with your tentecles, you couldn't turn fast and I realized that when you almost hit Masky." You explained. A slender nodded, and slowy got up. His movements were even more jagged than ever. You winced slightly.
"Meet me in my office in a little bit, Tobias will send you when I'm ready." He cleared his throat and disappeared into thin air. You suddenly got tackled. Jeff was overtop of you.
"That was fucking sick dude, it took me about two weeks to even get a scratch on the man!" He laughed. "Tell me your secrets." Jeff was pushed off of you and EJ help you up. Jeff glared at EJ but did not say anything.
EJ's attention focused on you. He walked our to you and moved your bangs out of your eyes. Or you thought that was what he was doing.
"You okay?" He asked. You nodded quickly and stepped away from him shyly. You walked over to Jeff to see if you was okay. He waved you off and got up. He winked at you and begged:
"You have to teach me your secrets" and then he ran off towards the house. EJ held out his elbow.
"Shall we?" He asked softly.
"We shall." You replied. But instead of going to the mansion EJ pulled you closer to him. He moved his mask sideways and laid a soft tender kiss on your lips. Making you go ten shades darker.
"Now we can go" he murmured quietly as he fixed his mask. You guys quickly sprinted towards the mansion hand and hand.

You guys were sitting in his bedroom. You were sitting on the floor watching him read a book. It wasn't as boring as it seemed. His head would tilt when something puzzling happened and when me was mad at the main character he would put the book down and sigh before going further into the story.
"You have been staring at me for an hour straight. What's up?", He mumbled not looking away from his book.
"Your just interesting to stare at." You giggled. He put the book down and stared back at you. You stayed still for a couple minutes but a smile was slowy tugging at your lips. You broke the stare.
"See, you don't like being stared at so empathize for me." He said and turned back around.
"I can't with that damn mask on." You groaned quietly. EJ turned to you again.
"You would hate me."
"No I'd probably be turned on your extreme hotness." You got back. He scoffed. And probably bit his lip. While in his human for you noticed that he bit his lip every single time he was tempted to do something or was hella turned on. You smirked.
"What?" He asked a little higher.
"Your thinking about it." You coaxed him. "And plus I won't fuck you that damn thing on." EJ coughed.
"Human form?" He reasoned. Clearly he couldn't go that long without touching you.
"N-o-p-e" you sneered. He growled and leaned his head back.
"That isn't fucking fair." He groaned.
"I want to see the face of the love of my life, plus I love you for your personality not your looks."
"It is pretty bad." He warned you.
"I don't care." This time he closed the book and got up. He sat cross legged in front of you on the floor. You reached over and touched the edge of his mask lightly, making him flinch. He didn't stop you. You raised his mask over of his mouth showing his sharp teeth and rather grey skin, that you already knew about. Then you raised it over his nose. He grabbed your wrist and you stopped.
"You promise not to leave?" He probed you.
"I'm promise not to leave you, and I will stand by you forever." You promised to him. He let go slowly. You raised the mask over his head and just sat there. Instead of having two eyes he had two sockets, that had black ooze dripping from them. You smiled reassuringly at him.
"You said it was bad. Got you are such a over reactor." You scolded him with a smile on your face. EJ let out a held breath and gave you a smile back.
"Thank god" He whispered. You laughed. And then there was a knock on the door. EJ swiftly put on his mask and got up.
"Come in" he said loudly. The person walked in slowly. 5 year-old you saw in the hallway when you and EJ were sneaking out poked her head through the door. It was Sally. She smiled.
"Slender is ready." She laughed. "I beat Toby here!" And then she bubbled over with giggles. You thanked Sally for telling you and you made your way to slender's office.

Slender sat relaxed at his desk. Not a single sign that he had been impaled this morning. You walked in and took a seat across from him. He leaned forward on his desktop.
"I learned something new about you power." He declared. You perked up. "You are called a past time travler, they are really rare. Their power can't be put in someone, they had to be made like that. Also they are able to go further than just one day before they died. " You also leaned forward wanting to know more. "I can show you how to travel the past but you have to still promise me to stay a creepypasta. And before you answer that, you have to know that if you focsed really God you might be able to go back three days in a row. Small chance though." You nodded along.
"I can go anywhere in the past?" You asked.
"It doesn't have to be your past either. You an change someone's life by changing their past." Slender cleared.
"I will still be a creepypasta, please teach me though." You begged him. He laced his fingers together.
"The past will affect the future and present, that is only when you change a big thing in the past. Most people died trying to do this. Do you still want to learn?" You nodded your head eagerly. Slender chuckled and got up. He waved a boney finger at you, and you followed him. He stood in front of his bookcase.
"None of the others know about this secret entrance. Please don't tell them either." He spoke as he pulled out a big blue book. Instead of coming all the way out of the bookcase it made a click. The bookcase flipped to the other side. You gasped and looked around curiously. The room was a whole underground library. The foor to the ceiling, was covered in books. The library itself was about a house long.
Slender walked over to a small shelf, that didn't have anything on it but three books. He handed one to you.
"This is the one you want to study. Remember to pull the blue book that says SLENDER MAN'S WOODS okay?" He disappeared after that. You shook your head and carried the thicc ass book to the table. You dusted of the table without sleeve and turned on the lamp light. The book read: The Guide to Past Time Travlers. You flipped to page one. And there was a warning.
Time traveling as a very difficult magic in general. but past traveling is even worst you can change the past future and present all at the same time with just one change. many died from trying to succeed and changing a huge part of their past but if you change your huge part in your past that changes you your yourself. Please proceed with caution and think about what you're doing before you do it.
-Tolmus Brady

You flipped the page again. And you started reading.

Before you go into the past here's a few things you need to remember. If you are in your past then you cannot see yourself or everything will break the present the future and the past there would be nothing left. If you are going into someone else's pass any change a big moment in their life then they will change they won't be the same person that they once were. And finally if you die in the past you will die in the present and future. Cast travelers die in order to travel through the past, most can only die two times in a row but it is possible to go three times.

Now let's start the process of learning how to travel the past correctly. If you want to change someone's past which I wouldn't recommend it, you have to find out what day and what year and what time the thing you want to change was. If you did this and you're now ready to fix it then just follow these few steps.
Before you kill yourself in order to travel you need to remember what time date, an year it is. You have to jump or whatever way you're going to kill yourself thinking about the time the day and the year. Close your eyes and mumble before you die: ' the past can be changed but we can learn from our mistakes. ' three times. And then kill yourself. If you have the power and you believe then you should end up in the past.

Another reminder is when you go into the past the present is still playing, after you change the past to present stops and changes so it fits with the past. So if your lover is in the same room and you do do this I would hope they would know about it because they will be freaking out that you just killed yourself in front of them. They will be freaking out or they will not be if they knew about it until you change the past that changes them or you.

You turned to the next page.

The most important thing to do is to NEVER once doubt yourself. And we NEVER think of a different date time or gear or you will be sucked into that date time or year. PLEASE TRAVEL THE PAST SAFELY AND DON'T CHANGE TOO MUCH OR THERE WOULD BE NOTHING LEFT. WE HUMANS HAVE TO MAKE MISTAKES IN OUR LIFE SO YOU CAN'T CHANGE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM OR ELSE YOU'RE JUST NOT A THING ANYMORE.

You looked up from the book and let out a breath. Is it really that dangerous to travel the past? You think. You close the book and tuck it under your arm. You then go to the bookcase and pull the blue book down. And with a click you were back in slender's office.

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