chapter four Trying to make the best of this

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   "Y/n, I want you to be in my office in two hours. Right now you'll be meeting everyone." Slender explained to you. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
   "And be raped? No thank you." You pointed your nose to the ceiling. Toby was uncuffing you at a quite slow pace. 
    "I won't let anyone touch you" Toby whispered. Quite creepy. You turned to Toby.
   "I don't mean to be rude but, I don't really trust you.." you trailed off. Then it clicked. EJ! 
    " I helped you, don't be afraid of me anymore. I won't hurt you unless you step out of line." His voice rang in her head. Slender seemed to take notice. 
    "I'm going to have EJ take care of you. Just make sure you don't mess with his mask." Slender said as he disappeared back into  the shadows. The handcuffs popped off with a click. You got up rubbing your wrist. You rolled up the sleeves of your sweatshirt and turned to Toby. You looked at him with a crazy look.
  "I am totally going to get my ass raped." You declared. Toby stifled a laugh.
   "We better get going. And you look like you have been crying for hours while getting raped."
    "Yeah, I know."  You sighed.
  You never thought you would be in this position today. You were sitting awkwardly on the floor next to EJ. You hid slightly behind him. You wanted to feel safe. Even though you just met him something was-   Someone pulled you away from EJ. 
   "Hey girly", You tensed up. It was the elf. You turned to him and gave him an awkward smile.
      "Hey", you replied making it sound more like a question than a statement. The elf smiled at you, and once again you were taken away from where you were sitting. This time you felt way safer with the elf.
     "Remember m- oof" the smiley face idiot was slapped over the head with a shoe. Slender stood behind him.  You got out of the man's grasp and scooted back over to EJ. Slender sighed and looked into the room.
   "This is Y/n. She will be joining us, be nice and just don't kill her." And then he quickly added. "And no touching her either. Okay Ben?." The elf groaned. He turned towards him.
     "You're going to bring a hot little chick into the house and we can't touch her? And only EJ can? Not fair". Ben whined. Slender sighed once again and turned back to the whole room. A man in a female looking mask spoke up. 
   "You're just going to be like that? She doesn't have to go through hell gate?" Slender looked towards him. 
       "She WILL be doing Hell gate. Okay Masky?" Slender walked out of the room. "Play nice children." And then he disappeared through the large wooden door. Masky looked towards you and mumbled something that you couldn't hear. You looked to the ground and was surprised when Ben spoke up. 
      "I'm going to play video games. Y/n you want to join me?" He asked you. Before I could say yes EJ spoke.
     "No she doesn't Ben." He growled at Ben. Ben shrugged.
       "Your loss.", And walked out of the room. You turned to EJ. 
       "I'm taking you to my room." He said. He swiftly got up and took your hand. You attempted to argue with him but his grip on your wrist was too tight. He led you out of the living room and through the big wooden door. He led you all the way to the attic stayou buirs. instead of going up though he showed you a door that was in the staircase. He opened it revealing a good size room. 
  "Don't touch anything." He warned you. He closed the door behind him and locked it? You didn't question it though. He walked over to a desk near his bed and opened a book. He leaned against the desk. You looked around the bedroom. In the room there was a bed and a couch, there was also a bathroom. 
  "Do you stay in here all day?" you asked. EJ looked towards you.
   " I'm not really a people person.", He said bluntly, he added. "Your going to have the bed I'll take the couch." He turned back to his book. 
   "But it is your bed." You argued. EJ sighed and got up. He walked over to you and pulled You up against him. 
   "I could sleep next to you." He murmured. Then he reached behind you and grabbed another book. He backed away from you leaving you in a blushing mess. "Also try to control your heartbeat. You're not my type" he took one more glance towards you and went back to his book. You scoffed. 
   " I'm going to find Ben." You almost got the door unlocked when EJ walked over to you. He pressed the door shut. Now his stomach was pressed against your back.
   "I am still a Man though. I have desires, even if you're not my type. don't test me kitten. I did say that i wouldn't hurt you, but that is only if you stay in line." you gulped at his words. He chuckled darkly and went back over to his desk. You backed away from the door.  just in time for a knock. The voice of Toby came through the door. 
  "Slender wants to see you." 

  "So you're saying that I will have to stay here forever? Cant i just kill myself until i respond in my room?" you questioned..
   You died on April 25  , and woke up on April 24. if you would have died two more times. You would die forever." you nodded along paying close attention. " but if you live past the day you Died then you have a clean slate again." 
    "so why don't you just kill me three times then?" you probed him. 
    " Because I need you. I need to find out about your limits and what you really are." He explained. "If i can figure out how you got this power then i could use it as a battle tactic." You scoffed at him. 
  " I told you that I didn't remember." You shot a glare at him. Slender leaned back in his leather chair. 
     "You have the memory of how you died the first time around. so maybe it is  like when you have a bad dream you don't want to remember it, but you try to remember your good dreams."  He was more so talking to himself now. "So in conclusion you probably just locked the memory of the time when you gained your powers." You were way lost now. you looked at him puzzled. 
    "isn't the Memory of dying like a bad dream.?" You really didn't think that anything happened to you when you were young. You think that you were just born this way.
   "Yes and no, You used your power to fix something that happened. so you had to try to remember the death so you'd know what you were fixing." Slender looked at you. "and don't even think about killing yourself three times in a row. Or i'll make you have 24/7 eyes on you." Slender warned you. He laced his fingers together, and leaned on his desk. 

Anyways that isn't what I called you here for.” he trailed off. “I told you to come here so I could tell you about hell gate.” You paid extra attention to him. “ Hell gate is like a test to see if you can join us. If you fail then you die. If you don't you're a part of us. The thing is that you will go against one of my leaders or a proxy. You will have to beat them until almost death.” He finished. 
    “And if they die.” you raised an eyebrow when he chuckled. 
    “Child they can't die unless I let them.”  You nodded, still confused. “You have two weeks to train. Then you will go against someone. Oh and don't just focus on one skill. I will go for all your weaknesses.” Slender advised you. 

   You walked out of Slender’s office. And let out a huge breath. You started your way back to EJ’s room but got stopped by the one the only Ben. 
  “Want to come play video games now?” he asked politely. You could tell something was up. But you didn't want to go into the awkward room with EJ, so you nodded. Ben held out his hand. You took it. Then you were surprised when he covered your eyes.
   "Your going to feel a little woozy" he informed you. And then it felt as if the world slipped under your feet. You flung your arms around Ben and he chuckled at you.
     "What are we doing?" You asked. You clung onto bed tighter.
    "Taking a short cut..... And we're are here" he uncovered your eyes revealing a gamer boy room.
   "Holy shit this is the coolest thing I have ever seen in a long time." You breathed. Ben rubbed the back of his neck.
  "It isn't much, but it is everything I need." He coughed and walked over to his huge TV he took a controller out and passed it to you.
   "What game are you going to play?" You asked. Ben was about to reply when a man busted through the door.
    You snapped your head towards the door and your heart dropped. EJ stood in the doorway.

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